Hypnosis: A Way to Talk to the Unconscious

When talking about hypnosis, most people refer to the old TV shows, where a so-called hypnotist presenter chose people from the audience and, with suggestible phrases and movements, put people in a state of hypnosis and from their commands, people did everything, including eating onions.

Unfortunately, this wonderful healing technique has fallen into disrepute many times precisely because it is used as something extraordinary, or even a magical show; what few people know is that as far back as 3.000 BC the Egyptians were already using it for healing in their “Temples of Sleep”.

The word hypnosis is related to the God Hypno, called God of Sleep, because the person in a hypnotic state has slower breathing, slower thoughts and a feeling of comfort that is very similar to “to be sleepy".

But what exactly is hypnosis?

Hypnosis: A Way to Talk to the Unconscious

We know that the mind basically has two parts, the Conscious mind which is responsible for all the actions and movements of the human being in everyday life and the Unconscious mind which is the “wise” mind, capable of capturing the totality of each situation or environment.

Let's imagine that you enter a store to look for a product, go to the clerk and ask what you want, and the clerk tells you that he doesn't have that product at the moment, you thank him and leave. This whole process is what your conscious mind has computed; however, if placed in a state of hypnosis, it would be possible that your mind could give details of the store environment, the color of the walls, shelves, inform if there were other customers, such as the windows, the color of some products and even the attendant's clothes. and much more; this means that this mind captures and stores all the information that is not useful at that moment and puts it in a box inside you called the Unconscious.

To get an idea of ​​the size of these two minds, you can imagine those blocks of ice that slide in the sea - icebergs, naturally you see them above the surface as if they were a tip (conscious mind) and only then can you perceive the large body that is hidden beneath the surface (unconscious mind).

Hypnosis: A Way to Talk to the Unconscious

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This assures us that everything we know, are and have as experience and knowledge are housed in this greater mind called the Unconscious, but, how and why bring this up?

In fact, this "wise" mind governs your life according to all the information that has been stored during your experiences and that can bring healing, because all physical, emotional, behavioral problems come from a poor and misguided relationship with regard to your relationship with your unconscious mind.

Hypnosis is then a technique of putting your mind in a state of serenity and, in this state, it becomes easier to perceive waves, thoughts, information. The technique uses the hypnotic trance and being in a trance is nothing more than putting yourself in a condition of focused attention. If you have called someone who was in front of the TV, the computer, or watching a movie several times and noticed that the other was not listening to you, he was probably in a state of focused concentration, that is, he was in a hypnotic trance.

When you are in this state, metabolism and field action slow down, the mind calms down and the exchange of information is facilitated.

Hypnosis: A Way to Talk to the Unconscious

In the 1.800s, physician James Braid proved that the true power of hypnosis lies in the individual, not the hypnotist, and later Coné discovered that the hypnotist's suggestion accomplished nothing; but TO ACCEPT that suggestion was success; therefore all hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis.

Milton Erickson, an American physician considered the greatest hypnotherapist of his time, and of all times, carried out a pioneering work of rescuing the trust of the Unconscious mind and believed that through this technique it is possible to strengthen your communication with yourself, opening new paths to a healthier life with greater possibilities.

The hypnosis used today in most therapies that work with the mind, such as NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), TLT (Timeline Therapy) and other mental reprogramming techniques is Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, even because it revolutionized the way of looking. the mind and guarantees quick, efficient and natural access to the wisdom of the Unconscious, facilitating the healing of many emotional, behavioral and relationship disorders.

Want to talk to your Unconscious?

Breathe, breathe, breathe, relax and leave a “thoughtless” space so the unconscious mind can knock on your door and enter.

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