Kabbalah and its teachings

Kabbalah and its teachings
Kabbalah is a set of teachings that encompasses God, the universe, man, the creation of the world, life and death. It can be said that Kabbalah mixes Jewish tradition with astrology and science.

It is a very ancient wisdom that shows its followers (kabbalists) how the universe and life work. The word “kabbalah” means to receive and its cosmology is native to Judaism.

In general, those who receive its teachings can encompass them in all areas of life, from health, relationships, work… this is because Kabbalah presents a way of seeing the world.

How did it come about and how does it work?

Much has been discussed about the origin of the Kabbalah. According to ancient wisdom, Kabbalah was revealed by the creator Moses and passed down orally to several generations. There are even scholars who claim that it was in the Jewish community of Provence that Kabbalah began.

Regardless of origin, they all have in common that Kabbalah arose from a Hebrew origin for this science. It is divided into theoretical Kabbalah, which is reading books, and practical Kabbalah, which is regular practices and experiences.

His teachings are passed on by a master through an oral teaching. From adolescence onwards, anyone can start attending a Kabbalah center, as long as they are accompanied by a master.

The secret teachings of Kabbalah can help a lot in all aspects of life, as they make a person more positive, self-assured, and increase their inner willpower. In his practice, the master can pass on to the follower meditations, physical exercises and even diets, as well as speculative Kabbalah readings.

What does Kabbalah teach?

Kabbalah studies the divine nature. There are three sources of Kabbalah study: The Sefer Bereshith; the Sefer Yetsirah, the “Book of Creation”; the Sefer Ha-Zohar or just Zohar, the “Book of Splendor” (XNUMXth century).

To study Kabbalah requires dedication, from the study of the oldest available sources to the contemplation of these teachings and an application of the studies in your daily life.

Kabbalah differs from other spiritual methods in that it is not just about bringing enlightenment to people. The goal of Kabbalah is inspired action, that is, the result will always be an act of beauty in the universe.

Some Kabbalah Teachings

“When you want something, the universe helps you get there, without selecting positive or negative thoughts. So be careful what you wish for.”

“We are in this life to constantly grow, and our goal should be to leave this world a better person than the one we entered.”

“Don't take everything personally. You are not the center of everything that happens. The more you can tame your egocentric way of thinking, the happier you will be.”

“Taking away all your material possessions, your money, your education and your accomplishments, what remains is what you are. Think about it today. What are you in essence?”.

Cabal Masters
  • Abraham ben Moses Abulafia
  • Rabbi Isaac Luria
  • Rabi Israel ben Eliezer

In España it is possible to find centers for the study and practice of Kabbalah.

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