Hunting animals for sport

    Sport hunting for animals is something that has been causing many problems, especially the extinction of species. In July of this year there was another case of animal hunting and this time the much-loved Leão Cecil was the victim. He was located in Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe), where he spent 13 years of his life being monitored by scientists from the University of Oxford, who were studying the conservation of lion species in the Zimbabwe region.

    Hunting animals for sportCecil's death shocked everyone, not only because he was a famous and important lion to the species, but because of the cruelty of how his death was done. Walter Palmer, responsible for the animal's death, paid $55 to hunt the lion. The dentist, the target of protest, claims that he did not know that killing an animal was illegal and according to the New York Times, Walter planned to use the lion's head to decorate his home.

    What drives a person to commit such cruelty just for sport? Why would a person spend so much money to kill an animal? The answer is very simple, maintain power and prestige. In a study carried out by sociologist at the University of Windsor, Amy Fitzgerald, it was proven that hunters feel powerful when they show that they can maintain dominance over the animal.

    after the case Cecil that was lured and killed outside Hwange National Park, it has become even clearer that park boundaries and hunting regulations need to be further strengthened. Hunting will now only be permitted with written permission and in the presence of park officials, according to information from the National Parks of Zimbabwe.

    It is very common for people to kill animals for food, especially those who have no choice. But for a person to pay that much money just to feel the adrenaline, hang the animal's head on a wall and take a picture showing how powerful it is, we can say that is not an acceptable reason.

    According to conservation group Panthera, American poachers are a strong threat to the survival of African lions and wild gray wolves. Wolves are at the top of the United States in terms of extinction. This may still take a few years, but the state is critical.

    Even so, many arguments are still in favor of sport hunting. Supporters claim that the activity raises a lot of money that helps in the conservation of the species and can help in the management of populations, that is, if the authorities allow the choice of animals that have already lost the ability to reproduce or that can inhibit the reproduction of others. around you.  

    Authorization for sport hunting is permitted only by international treaties, provided that part of the resources is destined for the conservation of animals and that the death of individuals does not pose risks to the species. On the other hand, the practice is subject to corruption if not properly monitored.

    • Text written by Letícia Espíndola from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
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