the arrival of winter

    the arrival of winter

    We are in difficult and tired times, closed at home for many, many months, with terrible news always knocking on our door. These are times of transformation!

    And we are approaching winter, which is a time of recollection and silence. Winter is the time to rest and to put your thoughts in order, after the accelerated movements of summer, spring and autumn. How about using this time?

    Yes, we know that we seem to be resting since the beginning of the pandemic, but it is not true. We never had so many tasks. We have never felt so tired and exhausted. In reality, exhaustion is physical, but also emotional. And this one, my friend, is much more complicated.

    Emotional exhaustion is caused by the excess of information and happens when we think we need another live, or another course, or when everyone becomes half-entrepreneurs. I've always joked that I'm everything in my company – from cleaning lady to CEO – and now we're all having that life. The important thing is not to overload yourself.

    The number of deaths from Covid is high, but the one from natural causes has also gone up a lot. A survey showed that deaths in March 2021 were almost 50% higher than in March 2020, precisely from such natural causes. I say this after a weekend in which we lost Bruno Covas and Eva Wilma to cancer. In other words, stress makes us sick and kills us as much as the pandemic.

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    So let's use this time to stop for a while and put our perfection mania aside and do what we can. Couldn't spend the morning on the son's live, that's okay. Couldn't wash the dishes or put on a few pounds, okay. Winter is a retreat, so let's collect and welcome the soul. These are tough times and you don't have to be Superman or Wonder Woman.

    Do simple things with the kids, like a cornmeal cake with coffee. Rest from excess of online pilates classes or restrictive diet. We will have time when everything restructures to heal these aspects, but we are part of the change and you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

    Calm. Rest. Peace and cold.

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