The garden

The Allegory of Creation is perfect.

And God created everything, even the human being, and placed him in a wonderful garden. Of course God in his infinite wisdom gave orders to human beings because he knew very well what he had created.

The garden

I will remember a little bit of the history of the first garden.

After God had already created everything, he created man and woman and placed them in a garden, then God gave them permission to take care of the garden, living fully there. Because everything God had created was good.

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There were many trees in that garden, and of the fruit trees, or rather, of the thousands of trees that were there in that garden, there was only one whose fruit they could not eat. They had the freedom to eat the fruit of many trees, but that especially the forbidden fruit (of the knowledge of good and evil) they should not eat, because if they did, there would be a very big transformation in their lives (they would die).

Then one fine day they fell into temptation and ate the fruit. From that moment on everything changed, perfection ended and they became aware that they had done wrong.

This is what happens with the history of humanity. He lives transgressing, rejecting what is good, thus staying out of God's presence by free choice.

The garden

Earth is a wonderful garden! Stop and thinkโ€ฆ If there were no human beings here, what would it be like? It would be perfect! Because all other life forms here would live in harmony, they would certainly not destroy the planet, as we are doing.

But, as I said, God created human beings, only unfortunately human beings have a mania for becoming self-sufficient.

If we want better days in every sense of our life, we must let God treat us, because his project is for a full life for all humanity.

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