belief system

Belief is everything that is believed to be true. She lives installed in the unconscious and also commands her life trajectory. Everything that is believed, inevitably comes true. Sooner or later, your reality will match your beliefs.

What do you believe? Do you believe in professional success and bad luck in love? Do you believe that in life everything is difficult and that the human being has no way? To identify your beliefs is super simple, just look at your life. That's right. Question if all areas are in growth, evolution, abundance and prosperity. No? Okay, it means that in this area you have a limiting belief.

The limiting belief is disguised as a truth, for example: Money is dirty. Money is the evil of society. Rich is corrupt. There's no way to be rich and go to heaven. Man is all the same. There is no longer any lasting relationship. I'm too young/old to do such a thing. Did you identify any? With this belief system a person will naturally create a rejection and push away from him all possible forms of growth and evolution.

belief system
Josh Boot / Unsplash

It is worth mentioning that you can consciously desire money, for example, but if in the unconscious you have a belief of rejection of the gain of money, guess what will happen? Scarcity, want, misery, etc. Just as you can also want a love relationship, for example, but if you have a contrary belief in the unconscious, the love relationship will not happen.

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The conscious represents only 5 to 12% and the unconscious is 95 to 87%, according to psychology. The conscious is the perception of the โ€œIโ€, the thinking being, reason and rationalization. However, in the unconscious everything that passed, felt and lived until today is registered. All beliefs, dogmas, taboos, fears, phobias, memories, pains, impulses and paradigms are found there in the unconscious.

However, the human brain is a super powerful machine and that means we can identify and modify our beliefs. Identification is done as I explained above, just look at your life and see which area is not constantly growing, and for modification there are several techniques and today I want to share the power of positive affirmations.

belief system
Guilherme Stecane / Unsplash

Positive affirmations repeated daily create new neural connections, or neuroassociations. In other words, when repeating a sentence, the brain processes the information and, with repetition, the unconscious accepts it as a new belief, that is, a new truth. For example, suppose that you have identified a limiting belief in your work and that you believe that it is not possible to work like what you love and be well paid for it. The idea here is to create a sentence contrary to that belief, and thus create an uplifting belief. Following the example, the positive affirmation would look like this: โ€œI live my purpose, I love my work and I am well paid for itโ€ and thatโ€™s it.

I emphasize the importance of repeating it daily and persisting with the positive affirmation to create a new belief, and for 21 days. Studies by Phillippa Laly, from University College London, attest to the effectiveness of the 21-day Theory. This theory explains that the human brain needs at least 21 days to create a new neuroassociation, that is, to accept and process a new belief or habit. It's the bare minimum, but I always urge you to maintain the affirmation until you feel and notice the change.

Remember that the more you do, the more you will create synapses and the more neuroassociations you will have. Habit is the key to success.

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