passport of life

    passport of life
    In each reincarnation we receive the “passport” of corporeal life. At first under the uterine shelter, and soon after, in direct contact with the other earthlings, we began our previously programmed trajectory.

    Unfortunately, none of us realize at the beginning of life that the time spent on earth has already started to be counted. When we celebrate our birthdays and receive congratulations for another year of life, it is actually one less year of life on the physical plane.

    If throughout the development of the body we could appreciate the importance of spiritual growth, we would certainly face more encouraged and confident the challenges we encounter in our countless walks.

       After the disincarnation, the true essence follows its course in the spiritual dimension and, being the immortal spirit, will inhabit several houses of the Father, adding stamps in the "passport" of our lives...

    Earth trips are planned in advance and we know the departure date and time. However, the obligatory trip with no scheduled date is left in the background because we value the corporeal life, which is ephemeral, more than the spiritual life, which is eternal.

    When the physical body is extinguished, the transformations characteristic of natural laws arise, leaving the Spirit who will have many other lives in this incessant journey until one day we can all, without exception, enjoy the desired angelitude.

    Our stay on earth is like an “internship”, where we have the opportunity to improve our intellectual and moral development. In each chapter of our existence we go through different tests to purify our imperfections, whose merit will be ours alone. We add what it says in Matthew 16:27:

    “For the Son of Man is to come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he will give to each one according to his works.”

    The present harvest is the fruit of what was sown, this process being constant, until we completely get rid of the mistakes made in the various existential journeys. From this perspective, we must seek understanding for everything that relates to the spiritual world, planting good seeds so that the next harvests are promising.

    We emphasize what is contained in Galatians 6:8:

    ”He who sows to his flesh, from the flesh shall reap destruction; but he who sows to the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

    We must never forget that true life resides in the Spirit, the disincarnation being the gateway to the countless mansions that we will have to know, according to the wise words of Jesus, according to John 14:2: “In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I will prepare a place for you.”

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