Don't raise spoiled children

The way of educating children has changed over the years. The rigidity that was very common decades ago, today is no longer something that is part of the routine of parents who educate their children. Of course, the models adopted in an extreme rigidity did not and are not good for your child, but today what many experts are worried about is the spoiled children who are likely to become adults with many problems.

But why are parents raising spoiled children? How to know if your child is spoiled? And how to manage to educate today with so many challenges? Seeing a child kicking, crying and begging for everything to their parents and they just accepted is a common scene out there. But what the parents themselves don't know is that they are making this situation worse.

limits are necessary

Your child won't stop loving you if you set limits. Knowing how to say no, explaining that it is not possible is very important in the education of children. The limit must exist in the education of your children. Children who have no limits end up abusing all their parents' patience and become spoiled.

Many parents had a difficult childhood. And after they became parents, they believe that one way to make up for what they didn't have is to do whatever their children want. There's the error. You shouldn't create an illusion in your child and he thinks life is easy. You have to say and not always do your will.

Do not blame yourself

Don't raise spoiled childrenMany parents feel guilty about saying no to their children and seeing them cry. But they need to feel that they are firm and consistent in their actions, otherwise the children end up believing that they can do whatever they want with their parents.

Spoiled children will be angry teenagers and troubled adults. That's the trend. Your child will not change overnight, especially after he thinks he can do everything. When it comes to educating and saying it is not necessary to think about the future.

Today it is possible to see that children do not respect their parents. And it's not the kids' fault, it's the parents. And they need to accept that. Many parents blame grandparents, friends, and school as a way to get rid of the blame for their child's behavior. But they need to know that they are responsible for the education of minors.

Educating: a challenge

Educating is a challenge. It's no easy task. It takes time, patience and dedication. But it is preferable to water and prune the tree (child) when it is small, because once it is big it becomes difficult, because the only way is to cut the tree. Did you understand the metaphor?

At the same time that it is a challenge, it is also a learning experience for parents who can reassess ways of behaving, what they want out of life and what is important to pass on to their children. The first thing is that parents must assume that they are pampering their children. We can't keep blaming the system when we're contributing to it ourselves. Worth the reflection!

  • Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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