Humility is everything!

    Humanity needs to make an inflection, it needs to look at itself, we are no longer in kindergarten, it's time to learn from all this scenario and change our view of life.

    We are facing a generation of pampered people, people who love to victimize themselves, people who have no resilience, are extremely fragile and show a total inability to forgive, understand, accept and let go. Assholes indeed!

    It is a youth that cannot broaden its perspective when affected, does not accept jokes, is a slave to the politically normal (not correct), cannot bear to be contradicted and seems to be made of crystal. What generation is this? What did they put in these fools' bottles?

    This generation urgently needs to take a step up, it needs to get out of the trench, you can't live with guns in hand all the time, it's impossible to expect people to be incessantly living up to your expectations, that's sick, that's insane, that is, even even childish.

    Humility is everything!
    Wendelin Jacober / Pexels

    The basics of the basics are as follows: if I suffer with the other, it's my problem! I'm the one who's fragile, I'm the one who's vulnerable, I'm the one who doesn't have the humility or self-esteem to live in peace with adversity, I'm the one who's incapable of turning the other cheek, I'm the one who doesn't understand the purpose of the ongoing experience , anyway, I'm the problem!

    Humility, indeed, is everything! Humble people are not offended by anything, are not affected by anything, do not suffer from the stupid opinions of radioactive people, do not care about malicious and destructive concepts or negative judgments. They are true supermen, they are extremely powerful, invulnerable, they are the mirror of what needs to be achieved.

    • Find out if humility can be an ego trap
    • Delight in the power that humility carries
    • Learn the relationship between pride and humility
    • Develop the humility to learn from your mistakes

    Stop and think, pale face… Why live reactively? Why problematize the experiences that life brings us? Why engage in such illusory demands? Come down from the sycamore, for God's sake!

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