human mind, humanly

    There was a lady and you could see that she was talking to herself.

    It wasn't one of those conversations that only in the second moment of observation do we realize that we have a headset with a cell phone microphone.

    It was another conversation. She was homeless and talked to herself like so many we see around in their lonely (?) personal conversations.

    I listened and noticed, however, that she wasn't just talking to herself; she was telling a story, one of the kind that any of us can live, but that no one stopped to hear, and about what it was no one knows.

    human mind, humanly

    And those who heard called her crazy, or found it funny, or felt pity, but no one listened to what she said. She humanly she followed in her story with vigor and dedication, and laughed (alone) and paused (alone) and almost cried.

    Then she laughed and wanted a bucket, she just wanted a bucket to pass bleach and to be able to use it, it was a good bucket and it was lying on the street, but she could use it. And since no one listened, she kept talking to herself (?) in her intricate parallel universe that is the human mind.

    Changing places with the person next to us, what does it feel like? Go beyond empathy.

    Changing the soul of the body, not for a day, just a few hours are enough to absorb the experience of that new body, to feel with our own moral standards everything that it has lived and for a few moments to observe life from inside it as if it were a window with a new view beyond the one we are used to.

    Do you see yourself with the same eyes? Are the same things expected? Or would it be enough bucket to want to stop? Without any fuss to make a little stop, free and willing to go beyond the limits of the human mind and in spite of everything live, simply and humanely.

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