Hulk Syndrome: A Dangerous Enemy

    Who has never heard of the stories of one of Marvel's main heroes, The Incredible Hulk? For those who don't know, it's about a doctor who was exposed to radiation and who turns into a big green monster with incredible strength. Despite defeating enemies and being considered one of the greatest heroes of the comic book and movie universes, The Incredible Hulk brings the drama of Doctor Bruce Banner, who cannot control his transformation into the creature. According to the story, Banner is unable to stop the monster's arrival because it is awakened when the scientist becomes very angry, transforming into the hero who grows stronger as his rage gradually increases.

    If in the comics we have an engaging story of a captivating hero, Banner's life can also be seen as a drama, as the scientist incessantly seeks a cure so that he doesn't turn into the Hulk anymore and can lead a normal life. This lack of control of anger is much more common than one might imagine, and in the same way that it causes inconvenience to the scientist in fiction, people who have the "Hulk Syndrome" also need help in controlling their aggressive feelings.

    O Intermittent Explosive Disorder, popularly known as "Hulk Syndrome", is diagnosed in people who have a history of two or three occurrences of aggression within a period of one year. The assaults, which usually occur twice a week for three months, can be directed at people, animals, objects or property and generally do not represent harm or injury to the target. It is worth noting that โ€œaggressionโ€, in this case, is not only in the physical sense, as with the character, but also in a verbal way, such as cursing or moral offenses, for example.

    Hulk Syndrome: A Dangerous Enemy

    Those who have the Hulk syndrome do not act in a premeditated way, that is, the aggressiveness manifested by them occurs in a impulsive. Individuals who are more likely to develop the pathology usually also have some other mental disorder (such as anxiety and/or depression) or have had traumatic, physical or emotional experiences throughout their lives.

    Although Hulk is a superhero and in fiction everything is overcome, this is not our case. If you notice in yourself or in someone else a frequent lack of aggression, it may be time to seek help. According to some facts, the explosion is something natural to our human condition, but the lack of control of these occurrences can be a sign that the problem is within you, and not in the unpleasant events.

    • Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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