How to work spirituality?

Many people say they are spiritual, but few know what that really means. Working with spirituality is much more than simply having a religion or following some kind of doctrine. In fact, the true meaning of spirituality is very far from any belief to be followed.

Being a spiritual person has much more to do with the depth of your own being than any external factor. In this article, we will explain to you a little more about how to work with spirituality and we will also give you tips to start being more spiritual.

What is spirituality?

According to the traditions of society, the meaning of spirituality has always been linked with religious values ​​or with the abstention of worldly values. But as time passed and the understanding of the spiritual world increased, the meaning of spirituality was encompassed and began to be related much more to the state of consciousness of human beings than to any other external or man-governed factor.

Spirituality cannot be defined, much less limited, we cannot see or touch it, and therefore its meaning hovers over an unlimited dimension in the face of so many human experiences. But even with this information, the following question remains: “What is spirituality?”, and in the need for a concrete answer, we can say that it is an important “ingredient” of religions, but above all it consists of a state in which we have connection with God, with ourselves, with our deepest interior and intimate, with Nature and with the people around us.

How to work spirituality?
Photo by Pexels not Pixabay

Why is spirituality important?

We know that each human being has its uniqueness, and that even in the uniqueness of each one, we all live in a plural world in which most of our decisions and choices affect at least one person who lives around us. Knowing this reflection that our interior causes in the external world and also returns to our being, spirituality is important so that we can live in fullness and in peace with our own aspects. Working on spirituality means keeping the balance of our mind, our spirit and our body, because when they are in disharmony, our life automatically becomes a "mess".

Spirituality can be seen as something very complicated to achieve, but in fact, it is present in everyone's daily lives and can be achieved easily. Being spiritual means leaving superficiality aside, let's give you an example: when you listen to a song and connect with the lyrics, you automatically feel different sensations and even feelings about it. This connection created from art with your being is a way of connecting your intimate with an external factor felt in a deeper way. It's not just your ears that absorb the music, but your spirit as well.

Among the numerous religions existing in the world, spirituality is important for us to seek the evolution of our being. To be spiritual is to be concerned not only with material things, but also with what we feel throughout the days and, therefore, in life. When we are negligent in the physical world, we also neglect our spirit, as the consequences mess with our insides in a way we can't always explain.

Do you want to know how to work on spirituality to understand a little more about yourself and evolve as a person? Check out these five tips to start awakening the spirituality that exists in you!

How to work spirituality?
Photo by Pexels not Pixabay

1. Discover what spirituality means to you

Not everyone knows what spirituality means for their own lives. Observing the spiritual lives of others can seem simple and often gives us the impression that such a spiritual state is unattainable. At first, you need to stop focusing on material things a little and start analyzing the way you feel things, what the external world does to you, what you would like to reflect on and the need you feel to express yourself.

Your spiritual side is there. As much as you don't realize it, you commonly connect with random things. Look a little more at your own being in a unique way, not at what a third person does to you. This is your life and it is you who can make it reach a state of connection with the Higher.

2. Do the connection exercise

In such shallow times, really connecting with something can seem like an almost impossible mission. But calm down! There's definitely something that gives you a lot of pleasure or that makes you very uncomfortable. The important thing is to find something that moves your interior, it can be a song, a place or even thinking about a person. Take a moment in your day and get in touch with that something that promotes some feeling or sensation. Eliminate any distractions from your surroundings that could steal your attention. Close your eyes and think only about what this “something” does to you. Allow yourself to feel everything that this moment will give you and run away from everything that is shallow.

Exercising your ability to connect will make you start working on your spirituality and understand some things a little more deeply, as well as start discovering more about yourself.

3. Practice gratitude

We are all so conditioned to always want more, that we forget to be grateful for what we already have. Practicing gratitude is a spiritual act that few know about. Can you imagine thanking even before receiving something desired? It may even seem funny to some, but this act is a big step for people who want to know how to work spirituality.

From the moment you give thanks for the simplest things in life and for what you still want, you automatically practice faith, because you believe that things will work out and even if they don't, you are grateful for everything you already have. . This is a great way to connect with God and get closer to Him!

How to work spirituality?
Photo by Morten Graae from Pixabay

4. Feed your soul

Every human being feeds the flesh, but feeding the soul is also very important. Just as our body needs energy, so does our spirit. When we don't eat, we feel weak and out of sorts—so does the soul.

All our feelings and sensations are beyond the physical, because sensations, even if they become physical at certain times, are produced by our brain from something emotional. So, to feed your soul, you need to do things that make you feel good. Get in touch with yourself, allow yourself to do activities that make you feel good and that promote happiness. Take time for yourself, put aside social media a little and do things that really give you pleasure.

You can be silent, you can listen to music that promotes good feelings, you can read a book, practice physical activities, talk to friends, write, watch a movie... feeding the soul is much simpler than you imagine!

5. Live in the present moment

Two great societal ills are depression and anxiety. Depression is based practically on the excess of the past, while anxiety, on the excess of the future. To be more spiritual, it is necessary to live in the now, because we have no control over what has passed or what is to come. You need to connect with the present moment, because everything you feel and are, is in this very moment! Of course, we all have plans and dreams, but they will only come true if we know how to deal with what we have today.

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Focus your energies on the now and understand that to work on spirituality you need to be aware of your life today, of who you are and what you have done with yourself. Channel your vibrations into your current feelings and reconnect with your inner self, so that everything will work fully.

Now that you already know some tips on how to work with spirituality, turn your gaze to yourself and evolve your spiritual side. Share this article with your friends so that they too can find relief from the pain of the world in spirituality!

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