The ego, as seen by the Cabal

Kabbalists study the spiritual laws in depth, the hidden aspects that are exposed in the Torah, which are the first five books of the Bible, also called the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).

Therefore, the ego is related to one of the most important passages in the Torah, which is the slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt. According to the story, told in the book of Exodus, the pharaoh dominated the Hebrew people who lived in his lands and imposed on them a series of forced labor, each time harder. Moses, then chosen as a spiritual leader sent by God, confronted Pharaoh to free them, having his request rejected several times. After several plagues that befell the Egyptians – ten in total – Pharaoh finally freed them, only after the death of all the firstborn.

But what does the story of the Hebrew captivity have to do with the ego?

In Torah, words contain hidden codes and actually tell our story, the truth that hides within us. Pharaoh is a word that is identified with our ego, the leader of our mind, which commands our physical body if we let it. He is the leader of the material world, also related to the desire to receive only for himself. Moses, in turn, represents our inner Light, which connects our soul with the higher worlds. Egypt, in turn, is the physical world, the last level of the Tree of Life.

The ego, as seen by the Cabal
Abbot / Pexels

When we are internally unbalanced and we manifest the desire to receive, without wanting to share, solely for the satisfaction of our most primitive instincts, we place ourselves in a regime of slavery. We work incessantly to achieve physical goals and objectives, which, when achieved, are quickly replaced by others, more difficult and elevated. The pharaoh, our ego, may demand that we obtain riches, fame, power or any other conquests, which in the end will be set aside and leave our lives drained of real meaning.

Yes, the ego also identifies us in a positive way, if we have a balanced life, not identified or tied to physical stimuli, possession of goods, idolatry.

  • Control your Ego and avoid unhappiness
  • Explore the advantages your alter ego brings you
  • Discover how the ego acts in your daily life
  • Analyze the ego defenses according to Sigmund Freud
  • How to increase self-esteem and control or ego

The question we must ask is: whom shall we obey? Which side will we listen to? To Pharaoh, who forces us to work hard and slaves, or to Moses, who invites us to walk towards the Promised Land, to a free and meaningful life? The choice is ours.

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