be kind to yourself

The most important thing I keep reminding people is to be kind about who they are and what they think. We are the most important people in our lives. Depending on the interpretation this may seem narcissistic, but it is not. The thoughts we have about ourselves are far more important than the thoughts other people have about us. Instead of improving the way we see ourselves, we are concerned about what others are thinking.

It hurts to be judged, but because of the culture we tolerate judgment. Hosts, politicians, current stars spew judgments, and we watch. We have fun with celebrity choices, we use social networking sites where we choose who we like and who we don't based on a few images and people still buy magazines.

Most of the time, we are not truthful when it comes to ourselves. We put ourselves in a bubble where nothing is ever good enough. So I'm not really surprised about how we treat others. I think we rely on negativity (even when we think we're joking, "having fun" at the expense of others) because of our lack of self-esteem.

If we take the time, we think about how lazy we are or what we could do with our time. We never relax because we don't allow ourselves to do so. Our bodies talk to us all the time, and we ignore them, do the opposite of what he asks.

The good news is that we can change that, and it's not that hard. You can train your mind to do what your inner self, or even what your conscious self, knows is best.

Being kind to yourself raises your vibration.

It changes how you feel about yourself in every way. It will change your relationship with your life, with others and with life itself. Being kind changes brain chemistry. It affects your stress levels. Which leads you to have a happier and healthier life.

Here are some ways to start being kinder to yourself:

1. Write positive affirmations everywhere

Our minds are extremely powerful. What we say to ourselves influences our health and well-being. The reticular activating system is the part of the brain that makes sense of the world. This part literally allows us to see what we believe. So, if you don't believe that you are an amazing, life-filled soul, you will never be able to grow as a person. You need to allow yourself to believe what you see.

If you're having trouble here: write down everything you would say to that person you love most in the world when they are in need of hope, and say it to yourself.

2. Nourish your body

Eat foods that make your body feel good, not what you think you should be eating. We focus a lot on what we think. But, how do we feel? When I eat clean foods, I feel calm and refreshed. Heavy, fatty or processed foods often make me feel heavy or uncomfortable. But when I eat foods that aren't considered healthy (like the donut I had for breakfast), I put love in every bite. I don't blame myself or get ideas about where all those calories go. When you honor your body and your life experience (which means enjoying a delicious donut every now and then), you feel good.

In case you're having trouble here: If you're not sure which foods make you feel good, start by making a food schedule and pay close attention.

3. Move your body

Even if your body doesn't feel like moving, it will thank you once you start. But don't go to the gym if you hate it. Don't go to yoga if you don't like it. Find something you love and do it. You need to try a few things first. It's important to find something you like, but it's also important to choose because you're entitled to it. That's your life. Make it what you want. But rest every now and then, no matter what you choose, if you move your body there is a price to pay. The chemistry of happiness is released when you exercise. So be happy!

be kind to yourself
De'Andre Bush / Unsplash

If you are having problems here: see number 6.

4. Focus on deep, slow breathing

When your diaphragm moves down, it massages the vagus nerve, which activates your parasympathetic nervous system. That's how we relax. Our lives are already so stressful, but focusing on deep, slow breathing helps calm the nervous system.

In case you're having trouble here: set an alarm 3 times a day (morning, noon and night) to breathe.

5. Don't stop!

I can't understand how our culture views sleep. Sleep is not expendable and no sleep is the same. Studies have shown that nurses who work the night shift are more likely to develop cancer and heart disease. We heal when we sleep at night. So go to sleep before midnight and enjoy 7-9 hours of sleep, your body needs it.

If you're having trouble here: turn off your electronics at 21pm and do something relaxing before bed like taking a hot shower or doing yoga.

6. Dance in your room

Dance in your room or where no one can see you. Be free! When judging yourself, be even more daring in your body movements. Laugh. play. Have a good time.

In case you're having trouble here: put on your own playlist to wake up to and just get moving. Now!

7. Create art

No matter what that word means to you, do it. Get rid of technology and use your hands to let your creativity flow. Do it to simply loosen your ties, don't care if it looks good or not.

If you're having trouble here: go out with a kid.

8. Enjoy nature

Breathe fresh air. Relax among the trees. Make a garden and decorate it with dwarves. Being close to nature reconnects us with our spirit. It makes us take root. It's one of the best ways to make us feel alive.

In case you're having trouble here: if you live somewhere where nature isn't very accessible, buy plants for your home and take care of them.

9. Buy some plants and put them everywhere

Plants help filter the air (especially for people who live in the city) and they're awesome to have around. Cultivate something different in every room in your home.

In case you're having trouble here: If houseplants aren't your thing, start with an herb garden or a small lemon tree.

10. Give yourself what you need

be kind to yourself
Jackson David / Unsplash

This is my favorite, and it's something that asks us to reinvent ourselves a little bit. I used to get stuck on things I thought I needed to do. I wanted a routine, but after a while I didn't like it anymore. Hear what you need. Allow yourself to do something different from yesterday if that's what your heart believes is right.

If you're having trouble here: If you're feeling disconnected from your body and confused with your mind, read a book to clear your head.

11. Feel everything

Ignore what your mind says you should or shouldn't feel, and feel everything. This means that you must express your feelings in a safe way. cry. Scream into the pillow. jump. That's being kind to yourself, even if you don't feel it right away.

If you're having trouble here: pay attention to what's causing you pain. Waking up is the first step. Common addictions are TV, sex, food, alcohol or drugs.

Kindness is one of the best human characteristics and it is at least contradictory that we have so much difficulty being good to ourselves. HERE ARE TWO RULES FOR BEING KIND TO YOURSELF:

1. Ignore every negative thought your mind is trying to tell you, whether it's about who you are or what you're doing.

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2. Commit to your kindness. If you are going to sleep, allow yourself to sleep. Don't "think better" and decide to go to work. If you're going to create art, allow yourself to get lost in it. If you're worried about the time, set an alarm clock and live intensely the time you have left.

Judge less, judge yourself less and allow yourself to be happy! Tell us in the comments what you've been doing to be kind to yourself and others β€” why not?

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