How to strengthen your immunity and change your energy

    In this current period that we are living, we see many people getting sick and many others afraid of getting sick. It can be stressful to spend every day like this with that fearful thought.

    That's why I would like to bring you a different thought to help take our mind, our energy, from this place of fear and put everything in motion so that our body becomes stronger and healthier.

    When we think of something good, like a hug from a child, we automatically smile, right? We feel light and complete. If our mind thinks about diseases, the opposite happens. With that we put our mental and emotional energy down there.

    Of course, it's common for all of us to get sick at some point. A sore throat, we can trip and hurt our leg, burn our finger in a pan. It's part of life. But you know what else is part of life? The cure! If you cut your finger with a knife when peeling potatoes, it will immediately burn, bleed, but in a few days it passes and you don't even remember that cut anymore.

    Our body is wise, it knows how to take care of itself. We have antibodies to protect us from whatever we need. But around here we need to do our part. Keep your mind on the positive. In healing, in health. Strengthen your immunity by drinking lots of water, eating correctly with all the nutrients your body asks for. And change your thoughts to something good. For the love, the healing, the hope, the strength our bodies have in abundance.

    How to strengthen your immunity and change your energy
    Alicia_Garcia / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    In the Louise Hay Method we learn several health claims. She is the author of the bestselling book: “You Can Heal Your Life”. In it, Louise Hay shares with us some of her story of healing through positive affirmations. I'm going to share several of them with you now and I recommend, with all my heart, that you read them all, listen to your heart to find out which one you most identify with, and write them down. Write it down in your diary, notebook, planner, diary. Write it down every day, when you wake up, when you go to sleep. Repeat that sentence.

    I like to repeat my affirmations in front of the mirror to reinforce these words by looking into my own eyes in the reflection. It is a moment of connection and acceptance that expands my vision of purpose and makes me record these statements even more.

    1. “I love every cell in my body.”
    2. “I am always finding new ways to improve my health.”
    3. “I keep my body healthy by giving it everything it needs at every level.”
    4. “My body does its best to create perfect health.”
    5. “Thank you for my healthy body. I love life.”
    6. “My happy thoughts help make my body healthy.”
    7. “Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the fastest way to health.”
    8. “I make healthy choices. I respect myself.”
    9. “I get enough sleep every night. My body likes the way I take care of it.”
    10. “I lovingly do everything I can to help my body maintain perfect health.”
    11. “Healing happens! I turn off my mind and let my body's intelligence naturally do its healing work.”
    • The importance of positive reinforcement in the face of mistakes
    • Restart – Did you read Chapter 1 correctly?
    • Know everything about Louise Hay!
    • Discover how to heal yourself through quantum energy
    • Purify your energies!
    • Affirmations for Happiness
    1. “I am free from pain and totally in tune with life.”
    2. “I turn inward and connect with the part of me that knows how to heal.”
    3. “Perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now.”
    4. “I am ready to be healed. I'm willing to forgive. Everything is good."
    5. “I free myself from all the negativity that exists in my body and in my mind.”
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