Dinacharya: Ayurveda daily care routines

     The doshas govern the cyclical periods of accumulation (samachya), mastery (prakopa), and relief (prashama), and each of these can be interpreted in your routine. According to this thought, two recommendations are essential: get up with the sunrise and give thanks for all beings, bringing happiness to them.

    At the beginning of the day, from 6 am to 10 am, Kapha energy predominates, which stimulates each person's digestive fire (agni). To take advantage of this moment, it is recommended to practice physical exercises and cleanse the body, performed as follows: drink a cup of warm water with lemon drops, on an empty stomach, to stimulate digestion. Go to the bathroom and do whatever you need to (brush your teeth, urinate, defecate, shower). Put a drop of warm oil in your nostrils, meditate and have breakfast only after 10 am.

    Dinacharya: Ayurveda daily care routines

    The period from 10 am to 14 pm is the ideal time to eat. This happens because at this time there is a connection between body and nature, with the sun at its height and the digestive fire high. If you need an appetite boost, drink ginger tea or chew a few pieces of it.

    After eating, you can rest for just twenty minutes or walk.

    From 14pm to 18pm, the predominant energy is vata, which acts on our creative and executive area. Therefore, the ideal is to do the activities of the day in this period, when there will be more stimulus for movement and agility. After this part of the day, the kapha energy will accumulate again.

    Once the activities are done, you should briefly practice pranayama. The period from 18:22 to XNUMX:XNUMX is the time to retire and decrease the execution of activities, as the sun does at dusk. Because of this, dinner should be served until 20 pm, prioritize foods that are less aggressive to the stomach, thinking that after this meal your body will not have as much stimulus for digestion.

    The slowing down of the pace of the day is also necessary with regard to what we are going to watch. Movies and programs that stimulate the mind through violence can be aggressive to the body, stimulating vata that should be neutralized at this time of day.

    Dinacharya: Ayurveda daily care routines

    Between 22pm and 2am, it is best to be sleeping so that pitta energy Accelerate your metabolism in order to stimulate collagen production and, consequently, promote skin rejuvenation and cleansing. If this energy is not used during sleep, it will be directed towards food, harming the digestive system in need of stimulation.

    Before the start of a new day, from 2 am to 6 am, vata is predominant, consequently, it may be more difficult to rest the mind. One way to make this process productive is through meditation, so you can invest your mind energy in a parallel reality.

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