How to stop the wheel of suffering?

    How to stop the wheel of suffering?

    The entire Universe is expanding in constant evolution. When we speak the word “Universe”, we need to imagine it as a reflection of the Creator of All of Is intention.

    Before we understand how to stop suffering in our lives, we must ask ourselves why suffering exists.

    Knowing that Everything is in continuous expansion and evolution, we can imagine that nothing and no experience contained in creation should be “stagnant”. In other words, none of us can refuse to evolve.

    Let's imagine that we are inside an experience intended by a Universal Creative Mind, and to live this experience we were conceived several qualities both at the level of the biological body and in the making of our soul, and also the scenario in which we are exposed, in addition to synchronicity. of all this information together.

    This whole existence is something extremely complex and magnificent at the same time.

    When we have a body/mind with countless capacities, but we end up somehow underestimating its potential, in other words, I believe this refers to the words left by Jesus Christ when he said: "Men of little faith". In a way, what we are doing is delaying our ability to evolve.

    All this is represented in different ways, such as lack of self-esteem, low self-confidence, self-mutilation, denial, repressing or ignoring intuition and your feelings...

    Whenever we are doing this, we are limiting or reducing our evolution, as if we want to stop evolving or learning, but that is not possible.

    If you deny your Light or even feel unworthy of being a son or daughter to manifest the creative power, wisdom and love of the Creator Mind of All That Is, it is still as if you are resisting the manifestation of the Creator for middle of its existence.

    When we feel weak, ugly, powerless etc… we are denying the Creator.

    Only when we resist and deny the manifestation of the Creator's qualities – which are Love, Wisdom and Creative Power through our existence – do we experience the space of suffering.

    Suffering is as if it were the last resource to raise the evolution of souls that refuse to evolve. Pain and suffering are existing resources to ensure that learning reaches those who resist evolving.

    The more we deny it, the closer we get to pain and suffering.

    There are many beautiful people in this world who allow their Light to manifest, living in abundance, taking their gifts and talents to others. In doing so, they are rewarded and rewarded with prosperity. In addition, they also have an ability to emanate love, which ensures them to approach happiness.

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    So I bring a question for reflection right now: are you allowing the Light to manifest in your life? Among the qualities of Light are joy, love, peace, among others that I will list below, using as a reference the studies carried out by Dr. David Hawkins who allowed, with his study, to bring knowledge of the frequency levels of each human emotion.

    The only way to manifest your Light is to cultivate emotions that vibrate or resemble the image of the Creator of All That Is.

    In this way, we conclude that the only way to stop the wheel of suffering is to stop resisting the manifestation of Light in our lives.

    To those who are experiencing pain right now, I advise you to ask yourself this question: “What did this pain/suffering teach me?”.

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