How to reframe 5 negative actions

The healthiest behavior is simply for you to be authentic. However, we often avoid our own authentic behaviors thinking they are not the healthiest. Your own mind and body know what you need. And, if you need a reminder of why it's important to follow your own head, looking at these common behaviors, which are often considered negative, can really change your mind.
1. Anger

Anger is something that many of us avoid expressing, even though it can often be very liberating. Being angry and expressing it in a healthy way can create powerful and positive change in our lives. Anger is simply a type of emotional energy that rises in us when we feel wronged and a personal boundary has been crossed. This energy is set in the mission to dismantle the inappropriate situation that caused our suffering.

But you can learn to embrace that energy and put it to positive use. When you get angry, examine how you can express that anger in a positive way. This will create a change for the better in your relationships. It is when we deny our anger and prevent it from turning into healthier ways of being that it becomes anger or depression. Knowing that healthy anger is there for a reason, to protect you, is liberating.

2. cry

Crying, like anger, is a healthy human emotional response in certain situations. While few of us would like to cry all the time, it's important to honor those moments in life that can bring us to tears. These tears can be tears of loss, but also tears of joy. When we cry, it helps our psyche to release energy that, if we were to hold back, would become toxic.

Crying also softens our personalities as well as our appearance to the outside world, letting others know how we feel. But be careful! Repeatedly grieving for the world around us is not good either. So crying not only allows us to release our pain and sadness, it also sends a signal to others that we are open and vulnerable as human beings. Making us more attractive as friends and partners than the one who never shed a tear for whatever reason.

How to reframe 5 negative actions

3. Being alone

Being alone doesn't have to be seen in a negative light and can often mean that we're just cutting out some of the social activities we don't need to delve into a deeper level of our being. It is true that there are some situations where an isolated person can be a cause for concern. On the other hand, many of the world's greatest artists, writers and thinkers are known to have found supreme value in solitude, deeper inspiration and a sense of their creativity. Sometimes we just need to turn off external stimuli and be with ourselves.

If you feel the need to be alone, trust and honor. Sometimes, a walk alone in the park, or even going on a solo vacation, can lead to a level of self-reflection that completely renews our sense of purpose. In some situations, the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to be alone.

4. Breaking the rules

Breaking the rules can sometimes improve your life as well as the lives of others. Rules are made by people and none of us are perfect. So, you need to have confidence in your own ability to find the heart behind the rule and then decide for yourself whether that rule promotes the greater good. Most innovations in art, science and society happened because someone stopped respecting the rules and had the courage to challenge them as they were unfair. Here are some of the world's great offenders: Rosa Parks, Gandhi, John Lennon and Martin Luther King Jr… So don't be afraid to be like them.

5. Do not fit

Not fitting in can be painful and embarrassing, especially during your teen years, but it can also mean that you are an innovative person and that you have something to offer beyond the norm. When we fit in, it's usually because our thoughts, feelings, and even our imaginations are in tune with our community. Stepping outside the box is more than others could ever expect of us, and it can lead us to an uncomfortable place, but it can also lead to exploring outside the zone of commonly accepted beliefs and thoughts, and that is fertile ground for new ideas. and new ways of thinking that generate innovation.

The future never quite fits into the past, so embrace who you are in the now, even if you don't fit in with others. Know that your innovations can forge a new path that others may eventually follow.

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