

    There are situations in life that are impacted on us and the ordeal is one of them. It is something that affects us from one moment to the next and that we have to face, because it is part of our trajectory in life.

    Trials can come individually or collectively. Individually when they happen to just one person and collectively when they affect a group, a country, or even the world, as is happening now in the midst of the pandemic.

    But trials don't just mean unpleasant things. It may happen that something presents itself to us and it is not distressing. An example? We have financial difficulties and we get promoted in the job with a good salary or we win a big sum in the lottery. The money that it will bring into our lives will make it possible for us to improve, but at the same time we will have an extra responsibility, managing the amount in front of other people who are experiencing difficulties. This important task of managing is what brings about the probation.

    These days our collective ordeal has been quite distressing, because if the anxiety of trying to survive the pandemic was not enough, because the wait for vaccines to reach us was being long, we also face isolation, the sadness of separating ourselves from people that we love, either for not being able to visit them, to hug them or for passing by, after all so far we have in España almost 540 thousand dead, but each of these victims represents at least three more with anguish and sadness of separation, concluding, then, who mourn the passing a lot more people. It is also aggravated by the long recovery path of the sick and the sequelae that remain, further aggravated by the knowledge that many vaccines were applied with expired validity and other siblings died due to lack of oxygen or waiting for a specialized bed.

    Certainly, those who give rise to the trials that we have to go through will be held accountable by the law of cause and effect contained in the Creator's designs, because if we are forced to face trials with resignation, those who generate them in every modality by which they present themselves to us have the responsibility of the action.

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    Trials cannot be left behind, and there is no point in rebelling, as it would be the same as going against what the Father allows to happen. We are the drivers of our trials because of the wrong attitudes we take in this life.

    It is only up to us to comply and ask God for the strength to overcome the burden that comes to us. Faith above all.

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