How to plant garlic at home?

Although it is a vampire's nightmare, garlic is an ingredient that cannot be missing from Spanish recipes. The scent of him being sautéed with the onion is a real dream, isn't it?

In addition to bringing a special flavor to any dish, garlic also fights viruses, fungi and bacteria, ensures the proper functioning of the heart, relieves inflammatory diseases and prevents respiratory diseases. In other words, it is an important ally for your health.

If these reasons are enough to convince you to add a garlic plantation to your home garden, the following information will help you a lot. From them, learn how you can always have this ingredient in your home, without pesticides!

What do I need to know to plant garlic?

To ensure that your garlic planting will be successful, it is critical that you learn a little more about this plant. See what care you should take with her:

Important information about planting garlic

  • Brightness: Garlic needs direct sunlight during the day, although it grows better in milder climates, which do not exceed 15ºC.
  • Solo: although garlic can adapt to different types of soil, the ideal environment for it to develop should have a pH between 6 and 6,5.
  • Let go: at the beginning of growth, it should be watered intensively. However, as it develops, it is necessary to remove the water gradually, so that the soil is never too wet.
  • Harvest: Garlic can be harvested between 3 and 9 months after planting, depending on the climatic conditions in the region where it was planted.

What do you need to have to plant garlic?

Once you've learned a little more about the ideal conditions for growing garlic, write down the materials you'll need for growing:

  • Vase with holes in the background
  • PET bottle
  • Terra
  • gravel for garden
  • Garlic cloves
  • Water
How to plant garlic at home?
Nick Collins / Pexels

When is the best time to plant garlic?

As garlic grows best in mild climates, it is recommended that it be planted during winter or autumn in warm areas. However, in cooler climates, planting should be done in late summer or early spring.

Where to plant garlic?

Now that you know what you need to plant garlic and what is the ideal time of year to do so, compare the two ways to plant this ingredient. Choose the one that best fits your home:

How to plant garlic in a pot

To plant garlic in a pot, you must add garden gravel to the bottom of the container. Then add soil, leaving a distance of 5 cm free to the top of the pot. Then drill holes in the ground about 2 cm deep.

In each of the holes, add a clove of garlic. Finally cover the holes with more soil and water until it starts to germinate. After that, water only when the soil is dry.

How to plant garlic in PET bottle

Planting garlic in a PET bottle is very similar to planting in a pot. In this case, you must cut the bottle in half and pierce the bottom.

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Once this is done, you will carry out the same steps as you would for planting in a pot: add the garden gravel to the bottom of the bottle, cover it with soil, make holes and include the garlic cloves, cover the holes with more soil and water.

Step by step to plant garlic

Now you know all about how to plant garlic. So it's time to put into practice everything you've learned, using this step-by-step guide:

  • Separate garlic cloves in good condition
  • Choose the container in which you will plant the garlic
  • Prepare the materials you need to carry out the planting
  • Follow the instructions presented in the previous topics
  • Water whenever the soil is dry
  • Harvest garlic about 3 months after planting

With the tips we present, your vegetable garden at home will have a new component: garlic. In the vase or in the PET bottle, your planting will yield a great seasoning for your food and an important aid for the health of your body. Develop your skill to grow this unmistakable plant!

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