How to overcome the cycle of self-sabotage?

    Another new year begins, more goals are set, new goals to achieve, new desires and hopes fill our being with the sensation of the new; of “this year everything will be different”.

    Each year that comes and goes brings with it questions that already occupy us with tasks 365 days a year. But how to organize such thoughts so we don't repeat situations and don't fall into the cycle of self-sabotage? By the way, have you heard of this cycle? Basically it contemplates its meaning in the writing itself: self-sabotage = sabotage of ourselves.

    This trend is getting closer and closer to reality, as we constantly accumulate thoughts, sensations, feelings, goals and it becomes increasingly difficult to find a direction. And it is at this moment that we trigger the cycle and create obstacles for ourselves. Through our unconscious, we create countless justifications for the non-fulfillment to happen, minimizing change, bringing us to our comfort zone, where we can be stuck for days… months… years… Depending on the process of each one of us to wake up.

    How to overcome the cycle of self-sabotage?

    To reduce this permanence in the cycle, Anthroposophy, through the human biographical process, instructs us to change, to grow and, finally, to to development. Let's understand this process better!

    Change brings us mobility, everything that is contrary to static allows us to move forward in search of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experiences, through deep emotions, impulses, dreams that are capable of altering our inner balance, that is, it has the power to take us out of our comfort zone.

    Growth, according to Anthroposophy, is a systematic change, it is the opportunity that change brings so that, through an order and an organization, it is possible to set real goals and objectives for the development.

    And finally, there is development. This is nothing more than the change of our critical points identified during the growth process, that is, there is no development with quality when we remain static in our comfort zone; when we identify our weaknesses, even though we don't know which way to go, we take a step forward towards our development, whatever it may be, letting our vital energy flow, which makes us have purpose in the face of life's difficulties.

    Is it easier now not to make the same mistakes as the year before? Let's go one step at a time! How about we start with the changes? Prepare to step out of your comfort zone, embracing changes towards development.

    Naturology with anthroposophical practice can be the perfect tool to help you in emotional support and avoid giving up or uncertainties along the way.

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