The Challenge of Being a Father in Today's Times

    Dad! Simple and unique figure in our daily lives and in our formation as a person who lives in society. It turns out that being a parent has never been or perhaps will be an easy task, nowadays with so much access to information and tips on how to get through various situations that are sometimes somewhat delicate.

    In the past, the education provided by our parents was often derived from inheritance, if your father had a strict education, you would inevitably have it too; if you had a more liberal education, then it would be the education you would have. Always from father to son, it was perpetuated for many, many years. Today I observe friends of mine using the internet to learn how to deal with certain situations, would the parents of old have the answer to what happens today? Today we have much more access to information than we used to have, today practically your young child can talk to you on an equal footing, practically any subject of our daily lives.

    The Challenge of Being a Father in Today's Times
    DICSON / Unsplash

    We have many doubts about how we should handle a situation, but does the internet really have an answer for everything? Could it be that the advice of a father who has calloused hands from work, who has the experience of life, is that without finding on the internet? Can this be learned? Many things only life will teach, now do we want to learn? Love, understanding, companionship, compassion, joy, are feelings and things that are not learned in a social network or in a course, they are issues that are passed from father to son, it is based on this that we grow and become a citizen able to live in society.

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    Undoubtedly, many times I searched the internet about how to react in certain situations, many times I really followed and used it and it worked, but in others, I remembered the teachings of my old and good friend: my father.

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