How to make your mind work for you

How is your mind? Forget your outside world for a moment and think about how you feel inside. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you organizing your mind wisely?

> These questions are introspective and are part of a process we normally have to do for ourselves.

> When we engage in introspection, we are trying to create more order out of chaos, regardless of whether that order sometimes results in chaos in disguise.

> In other words, we are witnessing the stories that are so connected to us and somehow changing them according to our conscious will.

> Call it introspection, mindfulness, meditation, self-hypnosis, psychotherapy, self-therapy or even self-mastery – it doesn't really matter. Regardless of how we label it, we simply need to understand not just the goal, but the process as well.

How to make your mind work for you

> Focusing our conscious attention on the subconscious (and unconscious) histories of our mind (such as beliefs, philosophies, labels, deep-seated emotional states, difficulties, desires, safety mechanisms, etc.) at that level, to really change it, if it is inconsistent with our natural needs.

> This is how we heal and grow. And we all do it, some to a lesser or greater degree than others.

> It's not supernatural either. We all go into a trance state every day, like daydreaming, thinking intensely about something, immersed in a book or program, etc. And only sometimes do we use this trance, this state of mind, for effective healing or development.

How to make your mind work for you

> If you close your eyes for a moment and imagine any situation in your life, it can be a very ordinary one, like the last time you brushed your teeth, see how that image appears in your mind's eye. Just focus as long as it takes to get that image. Take your time if you need to.

> Now that you think about it, what did the image look like? Was it like you were looking through your own eyes or like you were looking at yourself like someone else was watching you?

> Probably the last one, you watching yourself, right?! The subconscious memory of that experience mixes with the immense overload of sensory input that occurs in any experience. You recognize past experience, interpretation, depth of focus; this kind of thing.

How to make your mind work for you

> The subconscious works according to not only the stories that have been told (by you or your experience), but also the images related to those stories. It doesn't matter if these stories and images are accurate or not, or if they are helping us or not, because they are the truth of the unconscious part of our mind. And this is where it gets amazing: our subconscious mind can be accessed so that it works more in line with our conscious will.

> And it is necessary to access our subconscious if we want to change something about ourselves. Have you ever wondered why you want to consciously change something about yourself, but fail over and over again? Our subconscious and unconscious layers, which account for almost all the activity that is taking place in our minds, are somehow inconsistent or dissonant with our choice to change.

> Just know that no matter how much you want to quit smoking, lose weight, overcome anxiety, beat depression, or change a multitude of other emotional and psychological states and their associated behaviors, if you don't do the work to change it for good. in when. At the fundamental level of your mind, you are highly unlikely to see the result manifest let alone be sustained.

How to make your mind work for you
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> Simply put, you need to change the way your subconscious sees itself. And that's exactly what the Thetahealing® technique can do for you, using the Theta brain wave as a self-hypnosis.

> Ultimately, our body knows how to heal itself. It's an incredibly powerful system, we just need to bend over backwards to allow it to do what it needs to, including getting rid of any toxins not just physically, but also psychologically and emotionally. And that includes all the baggage that we've held deep inside us for a long, long time.

> Give yourself the attention and focus you deserve.

> After all, no one else will do it for you. Anyway, good luck with your next date with yourself. I hope it's grand and benevolent.

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