Why are you experiencing a spiritual awakening?

Why are you experiencing a spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening. Most of us, sooner or later in life, will have this experience. Although this expression sounds quite formal and full of pomp, it means nothing less than that moment when we realize that we are more than a body and a mind. That we are something more.

Although this term sounds pretty, the truth is that spiritual awakening is often very difficult, because it comes from pain, suffering, disappointments, disappointments, frustrations and anguish... that you need to go looking for more.

To help you in this process, which may be painful, but will be very liberating, we have prepared this article, which will serve as a guide for your spiritual awakening. Check out!

A little about what spiritual awakening is

Before explaining what a spiritual awakening is, it might be interesting to investigate this expression and what it means. According to the Oxford Languages ​​dictionary, “awakening” is “bringing out or coming out of a state of torpor or inertia; to reacquire or reacquire strength or activity; wake up”.

The term “spiritual” causes some confusion. Many people confuse spirituality and religion, which are different things. While for many, being part of a religion makes perfect sense, for others, sticking to their own beliefs and going their own way is better. And that is spirituality.

Spirituality is everything that makes sense to you, that helps you make sense of life, death, the afterlife, destiny, your mission on Earth, and so on. Regardless of whether you have absorbed these beliefs in a religion, in philosophy or in your own thoughts, all spirituality is valid.

Spiritual awakening, therefore, is that moment (or moments…) when you become aware of your spirituality, coming to understand that life and the Universe are much bigger than just the present moment and what we can see and feel.

Why did we go through this?

There is no right and exact answer to this question. Our walk and the experiences we go through in life are very individual and unique, so trying to answer this question in a general way is not possible.

Furthermore, the answer depends a lot on your beliefs: if you believe in destiny, you can believe that all the difficulties in your path are part of it; if you believe in God, you can have faith that He has a plan for you, and you need to go through these difficulties… and so on!

So instead of asking yourself why you're going through this, try asking yourself the following question: "How am I going to get out of this?". That is, focus on the outcome of this phase, not on what caused it, because you may never reach a satisfactory answer and end up getting stuck in these endless thoughts.

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

As explained in the introduction, one of the things that normally happens before a spiritual awakening is pain, suffering. Whether it's the loss of a job, no longer seeing meaning in a career, the end of a relationship, a divorce, the loss of a loved one, realizing that you have a lifestyle that no longer makes sense...

Finally, the pains of spiritual awakening can be many and diverse, because it is a unique and individual process. Just as your concept of what knowledge is, for example, is different from other people's, your spiritual awakening will also be unique.

There are people, of course, who start this process without suffering. But since spiritual awakening is a lot about understanding that changes need to be made and that things will probably not be the same again, it is almost certain that there will be some pain, the famous "growing pain".

So another big “symptom” of spiritual awakening is realizing that the life you are currently leading – whether in the personal, professional, social, affective, etc. – doesn't make sense anymore. So it is necessary to change – usually, change in a radical, sudden and significant way.

Finally, spiritual awakening is also usually accompanied by a feeling of being small, of our concerns, interests and ambitions until that moment were very small in the face of the immensity of the Universe, as if a large door (or several) had opened, showing many new ways.

And, as changes will be made, it is common for spiritual awakening to come with changes in habits, with the realization that some relationships no longer make sense (including marriages or family relationships) and that separations and breakup situations are necessary.

And now, what to do?

OK! You understand that you are going through a spiritual awakening: what to do then? First, stay calm. Know that as confusing, distressing and painful as this moment may seem, you will come out of it bigger, stronger and knowing much more about yourself. Then check out our tips below.

promote a clean

Most of the spiritual awakenings, as we explained, come with that feeling that many habits, situations and people no longer make sense, that it is necessary to seek something further or different. Don't be afraid to make the necessary changes and cuts if you feel it will be for your good.

Just remember to have affective responsibility with others, that is, talk to the people you are going to walk away from and explain your reasons. Think that no one is inside you, feeling what you feel, so talk eye to eye, explain your moment and clean up properly.

Connect to yourself

It is common for spiritual awakening to come with the feeling that we don't know ourselves, that we don't know who we are. And what is the only way to get to know someone more deeply? Spending time with that person, of course. So it's going to be essential that you spend time with yourself, to understand what makes sense right now.

This includes seeking out new activities, new hobbies, new people, and new environments, all to find what aligns with the essence you are exploring and discovering right now. Don't be afraid to be alone and to enjoy your own presence, because that's what will make you get along better with the other.

take your responsibility

Many think that destiny has something in store for us, so there is no need to fight for it, because what will be ours will come one way or another. But it's not quite like that... Fate moves for those who are also on the move, so take responsibility for your life and go to fight.

In addition, you need to rethink your role as a victim. It's ok, a person may have broken your heart, you may have lost your job, among other situations that destabilize. This was probably not your fault, but it will be your responsibility to stand up and turn that pain into strength to move forward.

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focus the now

Spiritual awakening comes a lot with questions like “What will become of my future?”, “Where am I going?”, “What does fate have in store for me?”. But all this can cause even more doubts, becoming a real psychological torture for someone who is already going through so much in such a short time.

So the important thing is to focus on the now. It is impossible to control destiny and the future, so just do what you can do, which is to live in the present. Do what makes sense to you in the present, without trying to anticipate future consequences. Be prudent, but focus on the now!

seek knowledge

If the life that was being lived is no longer connected, it is necessary to seek knowledge to find an existence that is more coherent. There are many ways to do this: through religion, through philosophy, through art, through contact with people and with yourself. Explore and find what makes the most sense for you.

We have prepared a video that brings knowledge on this topic and that can be your first step in the search for knowledge and self-knowledge during this phase of spiritual awakening. Check out!

keep the positivity

Even if the phase is difficult and the future is uncertain, keep positivity. Remember that growing pains are called that precisely because when the pain is gone, you can see how much you've grown. So believe that this spiritual awakening is happening for a reason and it will take you further.

You will soon reap the rewards of this process and will realize that all the pains and delights of spiritual awakening were worth it. Believe in yourself and that a life with more harmony is something fully possible.

Going through a spiritual awakening can be quite painful, but it comes with the certainty that we are in search of a life that makes more sense to us. Embrace your process with the certainty that it will be bigger, better and more self-aware as you go along.

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