How to make prayer chains from Whatsapp and on the web?

    In the media such as the Internet, Facebook, Whatsapp, among others, there are always those extensive messages containing prayers and wishes that make us believe in improvements in health, financial situation, love relationship and other difficulties that you may be going through. In addition, in the same message it asks you to share the prayer with 10 or more people you know and that this will make achievements in your life.

    This article aims to question: “if this is really true”?

    Do you, dear reader, believe that this can happen?

    So, according to the authors, my readings and professional experiences, I express that it all depends on how you treat the events and information of your daily life. If you are the type of person who likes to live in routine, is content with the basics, does little and does not believe in improvements and growth in your life, as well as you do not put into practice the teachings and information worshiped in religion, therapy and sharing such a message, rest assured that nothing will change in your life as long as you have this kind of philosophy.

    However, if you take seriously the meanings of prayers, put it into practice in your daily life, in your thoughts, faith and take actions that favor yourself and others, as well as share the values ​​of these messages, believing in the changes, transmitting these beliefs to your friends and acquaintances, it will surely have great effects and positive changes in your life!!

    Your faith will heal you, just as it will take you where you believe you can go!

    How to make prayer chains from Whatsapp and on the web?

    For anyone to live well, in balance, with health and good results in their experiences, it is essential that they be disciplined in their healthy and daily diets, do physical exercises, attend a religion and dedicate themselves to their studies and specializations, that the will lead to gradually conquering better opportunities!!

    So dear reader, just listening, reading and sharing any message or prayer will not bring you any benefit in your life.

    Let's compare life to a bunch of seeds.

    If we keep them still and accommodated in our hands, no growth will take place and over time, they will rot and lose all their vital forces. Just like those people, who don't believe or seek new opportunities, over time they will possibly get bored, stress and lose all their motivation to live and be happy.

    However, if we plant them in the earth and take care of them, through pruning and watering, over time, they will transform into deep roots, stem and gradually give wonderful feet of food full of beneficial energies to human beings.

    Believe in your potential, in your willpower and dedication to achieve each of your life goals.

    With calm, awareness, good planning and determination, you will be able to successively fulfill your desires.

    Evaluate every day what you are doing in favor of achieving your goal. Dedicate yourself to every moment and add up throughout the week great efforts and achievements that will soon be able to conquer your "Great and Illustrious" future achievement!!

    “I decided not to wait for opportunities but to look for them. I decided to see each day as an opportunity to be happy”

    – Walt Disney


    Art leading to the sacred: Studies in Art Therapy, vol. 4. AARJ. Wak Publisher. Rio de Janeiro, 2015.

    COUTO, H. The harmonic resonance instruction manual. Linear B. São Paulo, 2015.

    CURY, A. Our daily wisdom. Sextant. Rio de Janeiro, 2013.

    CURY, Never give up on your dreams. Sextant. Rio de Janeiro, 2015.

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