How to make homemade lipstick?

A lipstick is a beauty product used by women and men all over the world. This cosmetic can be found in almost all colors and, in addition to bringing more definition to the lips, making them more prominent and beautiful, it can hydrate the skin in this region, preventing cracks and bleeding.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to find a lipstick option that is hypoallergenic, beautiful, and affordable. In addition, we are often unaware of the production process behind the cosmetics we consume, which makes it more difficult to trust them. With the content we prepared, keep reflecting on it and learn homemade lipstick recipes!

How is your lipstick made?

Have you ever wondered how the lipstick you bought from a big brand is made? What are the processes behind it? What ingredients are you putting on your lips? We rarely ask ourselves these questions, even though they are very important for our health.

The reason for this is that, under capitalism, we are led to look only at the end result of a product, without imagining what is behind it. Not all people know if the lipsticks they use are tested on animals, if they have components to which they are allergic and the effects they can have in the long term, for example.

How to make homemade lipstick?
Ankush Dawar / Pexels / Canva

Of course, we can't analyze the origin of all the products we use daily, but it's time to start thinking about it. Through this attitude, you will consume products with more awareness, purchasing only what is good for you. But another way to find out about the lipstick production process is to make one at home!

homemade lipstick recipes

1) Annatto powder lipstick

Although this recipe is for an annatto powder lipstick, you can use the base with any pigment you like. In this way, you can achieve different shades of lipstick, even matching them with your skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of annatto powder
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil (if desired)


First, melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Once it is liquid, add the coconut oil. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add the remaining ingredients, and stir again. Wait for the preparation to cool down to use the lipstick when it is firmer.

In addition to this lipstick having a natural pigment, which can be adapted to the intensity you want to achieve, it will moisturize your lips. That's because coconut oil and cocoa butter treat the cracks that can appear on very hot and very cold days, improving the appearance of your mouth.

2) Hibiscus lipstick

Hibiscus is a flower that can be consumed raw or in the form of tea. And she can also integrate her lipstick recipe. In this case, the result will have a reddish color, with the intensity you prefer.


  • 1 teaspoon of carnauba wax for cosmetic use
  • 1 teaspoon of grated cocoa butter
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of hibiscus powder
  • 6 to 10 drops of essential oil of your choice (if desired)


To start, melt the carnauba wax in a bain-marie. That done, add the cocoa butter and coconut oil, until everything is homogeneous and melted. Once this process is over, add the remaining ingredients to the mixture, mixing well to prevent the hibiscus from settling on the bottom. Finally, just wait for it to cool down. In the two days after making the lipstick, the red will become more intense.

In addition to the moisturizing ability of hibiscus lipstick, which has components similar to annatto lipstick, it brings the powers of hibiscus. This plant is able to stimulate the production of collagen in the body, and assists in the healing process. Therefore, it is an ideal lipstick to leave the lips renewed and protected.

3) Beet lipstick

Beetroot is a magenta-colored food, which can enhance bold and striking looks when added to a lipstick.

How to make homemade lipstick?
Dianazh / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Next, find out how to incorporate this sweet plant into your cosmetic!


  • ยผ raw beetroot
  • 1 spoon of beetroot powder
  • 4 spoons of coconut oil
  • 1 spoon of rose water


Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until they become a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Ready! Coconut oil is a natural preservative, so you don't need to keep the mixture in the fridge. If you want a more intense color, just increase the amount of beet powder in the recipe.

Beetroot contains an element called beta-carotene. When processed by the body, it turns into vitamin A, which helps in the production of melanin. With it, your lips will have extra protection against the sun's rays, which could dry them out or burn them.

4) Saffron lipstick

If you prefer a lipstick with a more coppery tone, that is not reddish or pink, the ideal choice is a homemade saffron lipstick. That's right, the weather! Find out how this ingredient can get from your kitchen to your dressing table.


  • 1 teaspoon of carnauba wax wax
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • ยผ teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 drop of essential oil of your choice (if desired)


Initially, you must melt the wax, butter and oil in a water bath. When all are well melted and mixed, turn off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Then, just wait for the preparation to cool, remembering that it will expand in this process.

Turmeric is a popular skin care ingredient, and it can be very beneficial for your lips as well. That's because it moisturizes this part of the face, in addition to nourishing the mouth with vitamins A, B and C.

5) Glossy blackberry lipstick

If you want to make your lips a little darker, with a shade that varies between purple and red, your best choice is the blackberry gloss lipstick. With it, you will bring even more intensity to your look. Try it!


  • 1 teaspoon of carnauba wax
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • ยผ teaspoon of blackberry powder
  • ยผ teaspoon of mica powder


Start the preparation by melting the wax, butter and oil in a bain-marie. Once everything is well mixed, you must add the remaining powders, stirring constantly, with the heat off. In this case, the mica powder is what will bring shine to your lips. When the recipe cools down, you can use it as a lipstick!

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Blackberry is a fruit with a sweet taste and intense color, which also benefits your lips. It stimulates cell renewal, making the skin in this region softer and smoother, without cracks. Adding this quality to the other hydrating ingredients in the recipe, you will be successful.

After discovering all the homemade lipstick recipes, you can now choose your favorites. Make this gesture to take better care of your lips, to understand what you're consuming and to rock your looks. Test new pigments to find the ones that suit you best!

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