How to Increase Faith in Difficult Times: Using Grabovoi Activation for Divine Protection

    Jesus once said, "All things are possible to him who believes." This reveals that whoever believes he is capable of achieving something actually achieves it. The power of faith is crucial for a full, happy, abundant and generous life. Faith is a shield that protects us from dense energies and negativity. In the midst of uncertainties, she opens paths. In sorrows, she is the messenger of hope.

    It is faith that encourages us and makes us move forward. She overcomes fears, rekindles the flame in our chest and moves us with the breath of the Great Spirit.

    But what can we do when our faith weakens? When our light dims and everything seems to fall apart around us, how can we act? If we feel like giving up everything, what should we do to transmute it?

    Faith is our shield, it is our refuge. Even when it is weak, it can realign us to our purpose. Even if it is like the fragile flame of a candle, it is enough that there is a connection with the source, with the Divine Creator, so that it becomes a great and luminous torch, which expands its light to direct and protect us.

    Practices such as meditation, prayer, quantum commands, activation of Grabovoi numbers among others are excellent ways to strengthen faith, focus the mind on what really matters and keep the soul light and happy.

    Cultivating faith is making our inner flame never go out; it is to be sure that everything works together for our good and that each experience brings us valuable lessons for life.

    How to Increase Faith in Difficult Times: Using Grabovoi Activation for Divine Protection
    cottonbro / Pexels / Canva

    A very useful Grabovoi activation to strengthen faith is the divine protection sequence. By activating this code, every feeling of abandonment, rejection, inability, fear and insecurity gives way to a feeling of protection, trust, acceptance, enlightenment, abundance and unshakable faith.

    For activation to be enhanced, we must use quantum commands and vibrate in the highest emotions. I have formulated the following steps based on empirical evidence, with reference to successful cases and my own experience. Learn, now, to raise the power of your faith:

    Set aside, daily, a moment dedicated to your spirituality.

    Choose an appropriate place where you will magnetize the energies of connection to the source and unconditional love. To do this, close your eyes, take a deep breath and access the memories that are most dear to you and that mean a lot to you. Then tune in to the deep feelings these memories arouse and feel as if they embrace you there, bringing peace, wholeness and light to your soul. Notice the colors, scents, sounds, and sensations that pop into your mind. Then, try to organize this environment, decorating it with your favorite colors and with objects that awaken beautiful affective memories. You can also choose archetypal images and Grabovoi sequences to bring harmony and light to the environment.

    Create a playlist of songs that arouse high vibrating emotions in your heart, songs that lift your soul and your connection to the Creator. Feel every cell vibrate and your body tingle with pure emotion. Use the songs whenever you want to raise your frequency.

    Choose scents that bring special meanings to you. Make the environment fragrant. You can use eau de cologne, herbs, essential oils, incense or even the scent of the flowers that you like the most.

    Once the environment is properly prepared, magnetized with the highest vibrations, you will begin your meditative process.

    Wearing light, comfortable clothing, try to sit in the lotus position (meditative posture) or in a way that is more comfortable, as long as you keep your spine straight.

    How to Increase Faith in Difficult Times: Using Grabovoi Activation for Divine Protection
    cottonbro / Pexels / Canva

    Inhale, mentally counting to 7. Hold the breath for the same amount of time. Also exhale for a count of 7. Use the breath with your diaphragm, feeling the air expanding between your ribs and into your abdomen. Breathe in and out as long as you feel necessary. Then recite a mantra of your choice, a quantum command, or a motivational phrase. An example:

    "I am unconditional love in action", "I access, tune in and manifest infinite power now", "I am divine spark and I emanate light and love to the world".

    Repeat the chosen phrase or mantra as many times as your heart asks. Then do the following Grabovoi activation:

    "Activate and manifest now divine protection, code 8888. It's done, it's done, it's done."

    Perform this activation 3 times. Speak with authority so that your body vibrates to the sound of your vocal cords. The pronunciation of the code is eight, eight, eight, eight. As you pronounce it, imagine a beautiful and powerful golden light completely enveloping your home, you, your family and all the people you love.

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    This activation will establish your connection with the Creator, increase your faith and empower your soul energy. The number 8 symbolizes infinity and the code 8888 will make you access infinite possibilities to be happier and fulfill your dreams.

    Feed your faith, it is what moves our soul in search of our dreams. Share this article with the people you care about. The more faith, love and light we emanate, the more we will have reasons to be grateful and happy. We are all one.


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