How to identify an indigo child?

    We see many children who look more like a “little king”, with just a few years of birth, they already dictate the rules to their parents, impose that everything be their way, disobedient and live throwing tantrums. They become a problem for the school, because they don't want to study, beat their peers, disrespect teachers, adults or any authority. Child with this behavior, with the ego inflated like this, is indigo? No, it's not! 

    How to identify an indigo child? What are its predominant characteristics? They are loving. creative. They like to study, because their intellectual capacity is much more developed than their predecessors, they have an extraordinary memory and also great facility with technology. Curious, they do not disrespect authorities or adults, but they want to know why everything and thus be able to improve it, they ask advanced questions for their age, about the most diverse subjects of humanity, they have a sense of responsibility, they want to do their part. Strong and unshakable self-esteem. Harmonious socializing with peers. A very strong sensitivity, often when the phone rings, she already knows who is on the other end of the line before answering. They cannot stand violence, the destruction of the environment, lies and dishonesty.

    How to identify an indigo child?

    The indigo child is a being of great evolution, who wants to contribute to the evolution of humanity, often taking it out of its comfort zone. To fulfill its mission of making this planet a better place to live. No wars, hunger, violence, exploitation, etc.

    We need to review our concepts of relationship with children, our examples. When these children question the behavior of adults, they lie, abuse authority and even attack these children in order not to leave their comfort zone. It is our duty to transform living with them into a healthy, loving and harmonious relationship. Thus, we will be helping them in this noble task of transforming the planet.

    Long live your Light! Happy Children's Day! 

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