How to have better life experiences, with emotions or reason?

In this article we will talk about this very natural and important subject, helping you to achieve better life experiences, both in this difficult time of the coronavirus and in your daily life.

Emphasizing at the outset that it is essential for you to keep control of your attitudes, avoiding creating any problem in your daily life. And in front of your routines, police yourself in what is happening in your daily experiences.

Thus, recognize in the face of each fact which is the best potential to use in each of your life experiences, whether using your emotional strengths, having balance, love and wisdom [...].

How to have better life experiences, with emotions or reason?
Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

And it is also essential in other situations to use your rational function, leaving aside negative emotions, sadness, fear, which sometimes seem to be there holding you back in the face of these evils. And so you can rationally position yourself in order to end certain suffering and have greater balance.

It is also enriching to have the management of the best development of your skills, because with the repetition of these practices daily, in 21 days your brain will learn through repetition, creating a new habit in your way of living.

In addition to putting these practices into your life, you can also teach your children how to deal with their inner feelings, using games or dynamics, or you can even guide your students or employees, depending on the reality in which you live.

And you can also help those who are going through difficulties and who you see and realize that they can't move forward. Teach these practices, from having goals and targets, to gradually achieving each of the goals and objectives of life in the future.

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For many people, objectives and goals may be very clear, but for others not, with this you can help them and improve their relationships, interactions and reciprocal coexistence.

Always keep your focus on your life, managing to definitely change it for the better.

Thanks, have a nice day!

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