Obstacles: how to deal with them?

    There is nothing more frustrating for those who start planning than encountering obstacles, obstacles or even unlikely situations along the way. That energy, enthusiasm and credibility fades and many times you run the risk of even abandoning an important project.

    The uncertainty of the future is a variable to be considered. There are no guarantees when it comes to tomorrow. Planning exists precisely to try to minimize possible deviations that could harm an idealized project. But that is not always possible. And what to do when a difficulty arises?

    Obstacles: how to deal with them?

    Obstacles can present themselves in different ways: a personal problem, the loss of a job, an illness, the death of a loved one, the country's crisis, etc. To strengthen ourselves in the face of a scenario like this, what should we keep in mind? As contradictory as it may be, we must always live the now. We have no control over the future. We can and should always prepare, but never control it. And it is this illusion of control that dominates us. We believe that, somehow, we can interfere in the dynamics of life.

    I particularly appreciate the Japanese philosophy of life. There is a Japanese proverb that sums up the idea of ​​learning that is behind a possible failure: “Fall seven times, get up eight”. The failure or failures we commit should not, under any circumstances, interfere with our growth process, much less make us give up on something. It seems contradictory, but we often need this change of course in order to change our point of view. And going forward, this change will somehow represent the best decision we could have made.

    Along the way we are tested, we will find people who criticize us, who doubt our ability, who even envy us. Building a life project is not a simple task and many people give up, unfortunately. And worse than that, they regret it belatedly.

    Challenges make up any undertaking, they are almost intrinsic ingredients to its construction. Believing that good ideas and control mechanisms will create insurmountable shields is almost a fantasy. We are not the only actors in this project. Different people with varied experiences will relate to us. And the results from this interaction are unknown. At this point, we will need to exercise the flexibility.

    What if in the face of all this we decide to give up? Leaving life on “autopilot” is a choice. Of course, there are benefits and reasons for doing so. However, a high price is paid for the false security that accompanies it. The feeling of failure in the face of an abandoned idea and the frustration with the attempt not even started are just some consequences experienced by those who give up.

    The future effect is harmful and cumulative… A limiting belief is created that every hard achievement must be abandoned and that persistence does not lead to success. In fact, regardless of the result, the action guide should be: What are my life goals right now and what actions are needed to make them real? From this reflection, we naturally introject into our behavior the necessary courage to act, the perseverance intrinsic to the project, without ever forgetting that the most important of all is to live in the now.

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