Awakening the Power of the Sacred Feminine

We can describe our modern society today as a paradox: on the one hand, our culture seems to be rapidly evolving into a luminous “golden age” of consciousness that we have never witnessed before. This awakening of human consciousness is creating a movement towards greater creativity, compassion, well-being, communion with nature and a sincere respect for religious, ethnic and gender diversity.

Awakening the Power of the Sacred Feminine

On the other hand, our world is dealing with the reactions of social class inequalities such as racism, homophobia and religious intolerance, and so many prejudices towards culture, races that can go back centuries of hatred, hidden resentments often leading to violence.

As outdated patriarchal structures mount the reaction to the inevitable downfall, the need for a more sustainable world paradigm could not be greater. It is clear that now is the time for balance to be restored to the planet. But how can we bring balance to what appears to be two opposite extremes?

One of the ways is to awaken the healing energy of the Goddess in our everyday lives, honoring the Divine Mother in her spiritual practices. If you don't have a daily spiritual practice then it would be a good time to start one so that these Divine Feminine energies come into your life to guide you.

Here are some loving suggestions you can implement into your daily life.

Awakening the Power of the Sacred Feminine

• Try to be more compassionate, learn to be a better listener to try to understand the differences of others. So much conflict could be defused by listening and understanding.

• Seek to bring healing energies wherever you are. Heal the environment. Learn to live more in balance by honoring smarter and more sustainable lifestyles if we are to have a healthy future for us humans. Honor the forests and replant the trees.

• What you do affects the planet. Both your thoughts and your actions, whether for better or for worse. Everything has consciousness, stones, plants, mountains, rivers and oceans. Know that your thoughts and actions are recorded in the memory of the planet and the entire Universe. Listen and speak with an open heart. Be lean in judgment.

• develop gratitude it is one of the most positive things you can do for Mother Earth and all other beings. Everyone's needs must be met. More cooperation, less competition.

• The fear that comes from your head is an illusion. The fear that comes from your instincts is not. Learning to discern between the two will help calm your mind and be in the moment. Honor your intuitive senses and cultivate them further.

• The perception of perfection is an illusion, we are perfect in our imperfections. Be open to the mystery that resides in people and the world around you.

• Living more harmoniously within an energetic dance of authenticity, love, compassion, tenderness, patience and cooperation with all beings you interact with.

• Everything is just energy – money, time, your work, your love. Choose to become as positive as possible.

A powerful tool we can use is ThetaHealing® belief and feeling work to learn to love and be loved completely. One of the key learnings is really making peace with your siblings and your family. Your kids are usually easy going, but your parents and siblings – this is usually a big step. For some healers, unconditional love from a stranger can be easier than love for one's own family because of sibling competition and childhood abuse. Many of us are born into really interesting families for the purpose of making major genetic and planetary changes.

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So there's a level of loving the planet. How to really love and change the planet. This doesn't mean Mother Earth isn't a wonderful healer, it means how to love the people of the world. How to really love all different cultures, people, races, religions.

We are divine sparks of God, which make us part of his divine essence. Accepting this concept allows us to behave with greater consideration towards ourselves and others. Love is the main energy. Evolution is an act of love. Be compassionate with yourself.

So have more fun! The life is a party! Life is an adventure! The more you celebrate life, the more you help to heal the entire planet.

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