How to get in touch with the soul?

The soul, for psychology, is the study of “the life that inhabits the human body”. For esotericism and spirituality in general, the soul would be the mixture of thought and feeling. For Aristotle, the “spirit” of things, that which gives movement, action and even intelligence.

The soul is the “repository” of all our experiences, whether from this life or from others, in addition to everything we feel. Our memories. Flavors and unpleasantness.

In myths and fairy tales, the soul is represented either as a princess or as a river. Everything that gives life. The water and the woman with her uterus. The water element is symbolically the feminine principle—the mother, the child, the maiden, the crone.

So how do you get in touch with the soul if it seems like something so abstract, speaking that way? Im gonna tell you something. At all times we relate to our soul! However, the question is: are we generating life or generating death within it? Are we drying up their rivers or allowing their waters to flow through?

How to get in touch with the soul?
Greg Rakozy / Unsplash / Me Without Borders

When we are sad, with irritations, anguish, joys, passions and worries, all this is connecting with the soul. When we do something to quell boredom, anger or loneliness as a form of escape, we are polluting our internal rivers, stagnating and repressing our soul.

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The expression “connect with the soul” brings a need to harmonize with ourselves. To bring peace of mind, to reassure the voices that call for self-sabotage and non-functional thoughts.

A “calm” soul is understood and not repressed thoughts and feelings.

You can find some practices to connect with yourself and quiet your mind and emotions more, whether through meditations, prayers, good readings, creative processes, writing, welcoming an anxiety that arrives, giving your inner child a voice and asking what she wants. , imagining beautiful places…

Remember: giving voice to the soul is maintaining your internal life. An unnourished soul generates a body without energy, without vitality, an agitated and irritated mind, it brings sluggishness and the desire to give up everything.

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Feeding the soul is also doing what you like and thinking about what can be done in the here and now!

How do you feed your soul?

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