12 simple things that can make a big difference

We often tend to create giant and fetched dreams to place our happiness as a dependent. We believe that a day can only be memorable if we take a great trip or get an unexpected promotion at work. But in truth, happiness is truly in the little things. It is in simplicity that we must pay attention and work towards achieving.

Below we separate some extremely simple things that can completely change your day or even your life. Check out:

Keep in touch with nature

In this modern world where big cities have dominated our lives, we tend to live with concrete and technology everywhere, so whenever possible try to keep in touch with nature. It's worth going to a park for a walk, spending time sitting on the grass or even growing a small vegetable garden at home.

12 simple things that can make a big difference

Control your feelings and thoughts

Learn to own what you think and what you feel. Don't let yourself be heavily influenced by external factors and learn to filter and take a deep breath before acting or feeling anything. The more positive things you feed inside you, the more good fruits you will have. Keep negativity far away from you.

Be grateful

We tend to ask for many things and wish for everything we don't have, but unfortunately we forget to thank you for everything we get over the days. Be grateful and never miss an opportunity to be grateful for the things you have.

demonstrate your feelings

Leave the games and guesswork aside and show others how much you love them. Talk whenever you get the chance how much you love someone and how much that person makes your life happier. You will feel good and you will also make the other person's day much happier. We never know when it will be too late to show how we feel, so express yourself.

practice meditation

It's the most effective way to exercise self-knowledge and discover the answers to all the questions you constantly ask yourself. Take a few minutes out of your day to get in touch with your innermost self and disconnect from the outside world. Change is transformative.

Be yourself

Don't waste time of your life trying to fit into a specific lifestyle just because society wants it or because your family members expect it of you. Be who you want to be, the way you want to be and be happy. People have to accept you the way you truly are, but for that you need to accept yourself first.

Have plans and goals

A life without direction is a life not used. Don't get lost in life, set goals and walk towards them. When you have focus and dreams to fulfill life, it becomes much lighter, because even in difficulties you remember the reason for making efforts.

do volunteer work

I know life is hectic and it's hard to take time out of your life to help others, but maybe that's exactly why it's so important. When we dedicate time to something without expecting any return, the benefits are immense.

Smile more

Walking with a smile on your face is the best way to ensure a good day. The smile is contagious to us and to others. That way we exude sympathy and good vibes. And it still helps to leave you a few years away from wrinkles.

12 simple things that can make a big difference

learn something new

When we dedicate ourselves to something new that we discover we like, we feel more motivated, capable and challenged. Keep your mind constantly boiling and always dedicate yourself to something different. Try to do something you've never done as often as possible.

Sing and dance for no reason

Music has therapeutic powers and when we fully surrender to it we feel a wave of well-being invade our body. Turn up your radio to your favorite music, close your eyes and let your body move to the beat. It's not worth pruning. Free yourself!

take care of yourself

Whenever possible, take the time to take care of yourself. Set aside the day or a few hours of it for a true day of beauty. Invest in massage, aromatic candles, relaxing music, a long bath and abuse the aromas. Your body will thank you and a very pleasant sensation will flood you.

Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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