How to find “God” in your Life?

    Some dictionaries and the Wikipedia website translate God as “the Deity” in certain religions and “the creator, Lord of the Universe”.

    Furthermore, in everyday speech, God is understood as the superior deity, breeder Universal and Law that governs the balance and human well-being.

    However, of course, respecting the belief of each person, it makes no sense to believe that God is the being that will be waiting for you in the Plan of Heaven, to charge you for everything you did good and also punish you for the mistakes you may have had in your life. For this he gave you conscience and free will, in which what you do will return to you as a consequence of your actions, benefiting you by doing good and suffering certain punishments by providing evil.

    God is not an authority of rules and punishments, God is not an authority in the pursuit of good.

    He is love, it is the acceptance of your soul and your human needs. Thus, it also exists to help you achieve good for yourself and for others.

    How to find “God” in your Life?

    According to then, I ask you, what is the representation of God in your life, in addition to your existence? How can God be present in your behavior?

    When we pray and manage to access our thoughts to God, fundamentally we acquire a certain inner peace and encounter feelings of calm, love and good reflections on Life and on certain difficulties that we may be experiencing today.

    With that, I invite you to bring God into your daily actions, through the rescue of the symbology of good meanings, intentions of love in your gestures of attention, wisdom, compassion and better collective involvement. In this way, you will be doing good to the other, to the Universe and to your life, as well as bringing the existence of God in your actions.

    With awareness, calm and reflection, we manage to resemble the Divine Power, planting seeds, seedlings, dreams and ideals of life, which in the future will benefit you with the flowering of your achievements and reciprocal happiness.

    Now, think about it, what are you bringing into your daily attitudes?

    If it is not God, change, bring Divine light to the comfort of your life, bless yourself and glorify your behavior with hope, trust, courage and sharing food with your eternal soul, with your neighbor and the rebuilding of a new world watered with love!


    Happy New Year, gratitude, 2017!!

    Bibliographic references:

    ARIAS, J. A God for 2000: against fear and in favor of happiness. voices. Petrópolis/RJ, 1999.

    CURY, A. Everyday Wisdom: The Secrets of the Our Father 2. Sextant. Rio de Janeiro, 2013.

    CURY, A. Brilliant parents, fascinating teachers. Sextant. Rio de Janeiro, 2008.

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