How to fight depression in old age?

The body doesn't work the same way anymore, the mind starts to fail constantly, the children, grown up, are taking care of their lives, many friends are gone, sometimes even the partner, giving, who knows, a feeling that the best days are gone… All feelings overwhelm the elderly and can cause a disease: depression.

According to Fabio Armentano, coordinator of the psychogeriatrics team at AME Psiquiatria Dr. Jandira Masur, in SĂŁo Paulo, the number of elderly people affected by this problem is large: 15% among those who live with their family and 50% among those who live a solitary life or live in nursing homes, according to a survey carried out in 2017.

The symptoms

How to fight depression in old age?
Backyard Productions / Canva / Me Without Borders

Also according to Armentano, in an interview with the Paulista Association for the Development of Medicine, the main symptoms faced by elderly people who suffer from depression are body aches, insomnia, lack of appetite, loss of disposition, isolation and apathy.

The doctor says that symptoms that affect younger people, such as sadness, anguish and crying spells, are less frequent in older people. “The picture of depression in the elderly is less exuberant”, he explains.

How to avoid depression in old age

First of all, it is necessary to take care of the body, and this does not only happen when we are elderly. Taking care of the body is a daily lifelong care, so untreated problems in your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s can manifest in your 60s or 70s. Preparing physically for old age is essential.

Good nutrition, physical exercises and medical follow-up are essential to ensure that we reach old age with quality of life and willingness to go through this phase, which can be very good and pleasant, despite the challenges.

In addition, cultivating good relationships is an important measure during life, especially with those people we feel we can count on whenever we need them. It is normal that, as we become adults, our circle of friends narrows, so it is essential to maintain some relationships of trust.

How to fight depression in old age?
Shashant Kumawat / Pexels / Canva / Eu Sem Fronteiras

Knowing the symptoms and being aware of them is also essential, because depression is not an incurable disease and, with psychological and psychiatric treatment, it is possible to leave this evil in the past.

Also remember that depression can be triggered by chemical and biological factors that may not have to do with physical or social problems, so we are all susceptible to experiencing this problem, even healthy ones, so it is important to always be aware of the symptoms.

How to fight depression in old age

We have prepared a list of tips for family members and people close to elderly people who are depressed. Before proceeding with the advice, remember: depression is a disease that needs psychiatric follow-up, so, first of all, seek medical help.

  1. Be patient

Living with a depressed person can be quite complicated and with doses of negativity, sadness and pessimism, but be patient. It is a reversible condition and with your help this person who is suffering from it will overcome this problem.

  1. Do not conflict

Avoid fighting and arguing with the elderly person who is experiencing this problem. Old age already has its weaknesses, which are even stronger because of the situation that this person has been facing, so avoid bumping into it.

How to fight depression in old age?
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  1. learn to listen

Often, part of treating depression is finding ears that are open and willing to help, so make your time and presence available to listen to the elderly person who is experiencing this problem. But really listen, from the heart, carefully, and answer. Conversations can save lives.

  1. depression is disease

No, the depressed person is not struggling, feeling this or thinking something because they want to, because they are sad or melancholy. She has a health problem, an illness that needs to be treated, so don't deal with her as if this behavior is a choice.

  1. Stimulate interaction

Seniors can feel very isolated and out of place in the modern world if they find it difficult to keep up with new technologies and interactions with young people, so it’s important to encourage them to interact whenever possible, whether it’s on a lazy afternoon or at an event. in family.

  1. help with the treatment

If he's having therapy sessions, follow up with him, ask how it went, if he's enjoying it. If he is taking medication, make sure he is taking it, be aware of possible side effects. Never forget that he is a person weakened by age, but also by illness.

How to fight depression in old age?
Leeser / Canva / Me Without Borders
  1. stimulate the mind

A good way to combat problems that affect the mind is to encourage activities that require intense brain activity, such as reading, the famous crossword puzzle and even playing games. A simple conversation can stimulate you to explore memories or plans, for example.

  1. Include it in activities

Ask for help with simple things, because it will let him know how important it is, as well as occupy his mind. It may even be washing dishes, but helping you stay active and participatory is essential right now.

  1. Do not judge

Don't use illness in the middle of an argument or problem. Don't make jokes or speak in a derogatory way. Facing depression is hard enough and full of prejudices, so think carefully whenever you mention the problem, to do it in a respectful way.

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  1. take care of yourself

Keeping up with an elderly person on a daily basis and helping them is tiring enough and often painful, so don't forget to find time for yourself and your activities. Don't feel guilty about it. You are helping as you can, but you need to live your life!

There are many factors that can make an elderly person trigger depression, such as loneliness, bad habits or even genetics. Seeking medical help and learning to be patient and present are essential postures to combat this disease. Depression has a cure and people who go through it come out of it. Believe it!

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