How to do Ho'oponopono?

In the course of life we ​​often come across problems or even areas that just don't walk! And they end up delaying and disrupting our lives... These difficulties can be linked to negative beliefs and one way to cure them is with the technique called Ho'oponopono.

The meaning of the word Ho'oponopono is to create order and balance to harmonize a situation, the technique was founded by Ms. Kahuna Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (May 19, 1913-February 11, 1992), who studied, created, and updated Hawaiian teachings for today. The popularization of the technique only happened a little later, by Joe Vitale, author who appears in the movie “The Secret”, which talks about the Law of Attraction.

The Ho'oponopono technique belongs to the Huna system, the Spiritualism of the ancient peoples of Hawaii, who had a great knowledge about the human being. Prayer, if repeated with the right intention, can bring healing and forgiveness to the practitioner, purifying the body, releasing the individual from the past and unblocking hurts and negative energies.

4 simple steps on how to make Ho'oponopono

The technique consists of 4 simple steps: repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love. Once you understand the intent of each step, you can repeat the phrase that summarizes them all: “I'm sorry, forgive me, I'm grateful, I love you”.

You don't have to say it out loud, just repeat it as many times as possible, even though Joe Vitale suggests repeating it 108 times to take effect faster. The power is in the feeling itself when saying or thinking the sentence, and in the Universe's willingness to forgive and love.

Practice starts with regret, regardless of the situation, and as much as it seems to be someone else's fault, you are responsible for everything that happens in your mind. So it might start with something you've caused yourself, such as an addiction to alcohol or another substance. Say “I'm sorry”, thinking of the sincere feeling of regret, facing your responsibility in the problem.

Then ask for forgiveness with the affirmation “Forgive me”, based on everything you thought about in the first part, of wanting to ask for forgiveness and be forgiven, no matter that you don't necessarily know who you are saying it to. In the same way, follow up with the thank you saying “I am grateful”, for your life, for the air, for the food, for your house and for everything.

How to do Ho'oponopono?
Li Lei Yoga / Pixabay

The energy of gratitude is very powerful.

Lastly say to yourself “I love you”, to the Universe, to the Creator and even for the challenges. At the end you will have the complete prayer “I'm sorry, forgive me, I'm grateful, I love you”, understanding the intention that must have in each part.

If even understanding how to do Ho'oponopono, you were still in doubt about how you can practice throughout your day, some suggestions can help you! The first is that you can do it in spare moments, like on the way to work or at another place, if you can't stop at home for a while to repeat the phrases.

Some details can help you with repetitions, such as an alarm clock to ring after the period you want to do, quiet background music or guided meditation. A japamala can also be useful for this, it is nothing more than a necklace of beads, usually with 108 beads, often used to quote mantras.

Thought to increase the effectiveness of Ho'oponopono

First of all, you have to keep in mind that you were created by God, the Creator, the Universe or whatever you believe in, if you have a religion. Therefore, you are able to create and manifest what happens in your life, your goal is to be you in your essence, without energies and memories that get in the way of being yourself!

How to do Ho'oponopono?
Free-Photos / Pixabay

In this way, your task in life is to free yourself from mistakes, even if unconscious, and problems that afflict you. With Ho'oponopono you are able to ask the God you believe in to restore your purity, freeing memories to zero.

In addition to taking responsibility for the problems and hurts for which you repent and ask for forgiveness at the beginning of prayer, you also have the choice to restore your own purity and resolve problems, which are nothing more than memories being repeated in your subconscious.

Benefits of Ho'oponopono

In addition to the main purpose of this technique, which is to release memories and patterns of suffering, bringing peace, joy and possible resolution of problems, there are also other benefits to your life.

Among them are the connection with the truth itself, self-knowledge, elevation of the vibratory level, emotional harmonization, mental clarity and improvement in relationships. By clearing the previously programmed memories and patterns, you get closer and closer to the pure love of your essence.

Different methods of Ho'oponopono

Now that you understand how the basic way of doing Ho'oponopono works, learn about other ways to practice this wisdom too! Prayers and petitions are more common, such as the Prayer of the Divine Creator, among others that were offered by Morrnah Simeona.

The Ho'oponopono mantra is perhaps the best known form, but there are also songs available on the internet that can help in practice! Meditation is also a very powerful way to practice, either by guided meditation or by repeating the phrases in a meditative state.

How to do Ho'oponopono?
Dean Moriarty / Pixabay

With the help of a professional, it is also possible to combine Ho'oponopono with therapeutic practices such as EFT and Reiki. It is possible to expand to areas of life with blocks, such as sleep, money, health, forgiveness, among others.

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If you notice something negative in another person, you can practice for what that person presents. In this case, it will be necessary to take responsibility for the memories related to the other and release these feelings in yourself.

Ho'oponopono practice has become more and more popular, people get what they need and leave testimonials about it. Indeed it is a technique that deserves attention and practice! It is simple and requires only focused thought, remembering that the energy and force of thought is much more powerful than we realize. Harness this power to transform!

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