How to deal with self-criticism

Being critical of others can be boring, but being critical of yourself can be even worse. It can be easy to point out other people's mistakes and suggest how they can change. But when it comes to facing the mirror, things get a lot more difficult…

One of the problems with criticizing yourself a lot is falling into depression. When we value what is wrong more than what we do right, we create a load of frustration and charge that is too great to carry and that is unhealthy. So we've separated some tips on how you can better deal with self-criticism, for your own good. See below:

Done is better than perfect

When charging yourself for not making something perfect, remember the saying, “Done is better than perfect.” We know that wanting to reach the level of excellence in something can be good, but does everything have to be like this? We often get lost when we charge ourselves with some everyday tasks that don't even have to be that perfect. You may have a strict billing standard, but be careful not to overdo it.

You don't have to be the best at everything.

A lot of self-criticism happens because we want to be the best at everything. We live in a competitive society, it's true. But that doesn't mean we need to be the best or win at everything every time. Many of life's most important learnings happen when we're not the best. So think about learning and not wanting to get it right and always be the best at everything, which leads us to our next tip…

It is by making mistakes that you learn

Who never makes mistakes, doesn't gain life experience! Only by making a lot of mistakes do we learn to deal with frustration in a healthy way. Whoever gets everything right ends up not knowing how to deal with emotions when a small mistake happens. So don't cover yourself so much and don't criticize yourself for not doing well in every situation. Making mistakes is part of life and it is making mistakes that we grow as people.

How to deal with self-criticism

beware of stress

If you want to be in good health, that means you must also deal with your mental and emotional health. If you criticize yourself all the time, at one time or another, it will end up overloading your thoughts and emotions and, consequently, your body will respond with some imbalance. Mind and body are intertwined and stress will also affect your physical body. This is yet another reason for you to take it easy on yourself.


Only when we stop criticizing ourselves do we give ourselves space to realize the best we have. We all have qualities, but we need to recognize them. But how are you going to recognize your strengths if you don't stop criticizing yourself? So stop for a while, relax and seek your inner strengths. They are there, just waiting for you to look at them. And then you will see that with so many qualities, there is no need to criticize yourself so much. You are a much better person than you believe yourself to be, so you don't have to charge yourself so much.

Written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

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