Black sheep

Black sheep

Are you the “black sheep” of your family?

“The so-called “black sheep” of the family are, in fact, born hunters of paths of liberation for the family tree.

The members of a tree who do not adapt to the norms or traditions of the family system, those who from childhood constantly sought to revolutionize beliefs, going against the paths marked by family traditions, those criticized, judged and even rejected, these are usually those called to free the tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations.

As "black sheeps", those who do not adapt, those who scream rebellion, play a basic role within each family system. They repair, pick up and create the new by blossoming branches in the family tree.

Thanks to these members, our trees renew their roots. His rebelliousness is fertile land, his madness is water that nourishes, his stubbornness is new air, his passion is fire that rekindles the hearts of the ancestors.

Countless repressed desires, unfulfilled dreams, frustrated talents of our ancestors manifested in the rebellion of these black sheep seeking to fulfill themselves. The family tree, by inertia, will want to continue to maintain the castrating and toxic course of its trunk, which makes the task of our sheep a difficult and conflicting job.

At the moment, who would bring new flowers to our tree if it weren't for them? Who would create new branches? Without them, the unfulfilled dreams of generations ago, of those who support the tree, would die buried under their own roots.

Let no one make you doubt, take care of yours "rarity" like the most precious flower on your tree. You are the dream of all your ancestors.”

This text is by Bert Hellinger, father of systemic family constellations. I'm a family rib and I'm a black sheep, how about you?

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You may also like another article by this author. Access: He used to smile

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