How to connect with your Higher Self through the wisdom of your body?

Many people in today's world are running around blindly, haphazardly looking for their essence, their self and their higher purpose and end up falling into deep levels of frustration. They feel so disconnected from life, people and their callings that they change direction several times and without thinking about possible repercussions. They become fearful and anxious about life without knowing why, this disconnect is the root cause of the current pandemic of stress-related disorders. The intent of this article is to help you align with your Higher Self wisdom and recognize that connection when you reach it.

Your Higher Self is your real self, the soul consciousness that is so much more than the physical form you know so well.

Your Higher Self is the limitless and eternal part of you that excites you with inspiration, guides you with intuition, and teaches you through insight. Your intentions, desires and secrets are well known to your Higher Self.

The physical body cannot be separated from energetic consciousness, but we are here in this physical state and part of that is a feeling of separation from everything else. In reality, there is no separation.

You have probably had a very limited conversation with your Higher Self.

These incredibly helpful flashes of intuition and inspiration can become a much bigger part of your life if you allow this communication to flourish.

Connecting with your Higher Self is something of a paradox as you are always connected. In fact, it's more than a connection, it's a union.

If you can accept that you are much more than this physical being, you can understand that you are your Higher Self having a physical experience.

Why is it important to listen to your Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is your ultimate guide to an impressive and meaningful experience on the physical plane.

How to connect with your Higher Self through the wisdom of your body?
Keenan Constance/Pexels

Every time you have an unexplained feeling or a premonition, your Higher Self is trying to communicate with you and guide you in the right course of action. We communicate with our Higher Self through hunches and intuitions.

Many of us are so used to believing that only what we perceive with our physical senses is real that we tend to ignore this extremely important aspect of ourselves—the energetic.

Sometimes you can hear voices. Other times, you will receive images or strong desires to do—or not to do—something.

One skill you will develop as you get used to listening to your Higher Self is the ability to discern between the fear-based voice of the ego and the infinite/eternal voice of your Higher Self.

You can develop an acute awareness of your body, as a great “translator” of messages from your Higher Self.

Once you feel the presence of your Higher Self, you can ask questions about anything. The Higher Self does not judge or criticize.

Be open to the answers!

Don't forget that they can come in a variety of delivery methods: words, feelings, images, things suddenly coming into your line of sight, or anything that comes to your awareness...

How to connect with your Higher Self through the wisdom of your body?
Ibraim Leonardo/Pexels

How do you know the answers aren't just imagination or something your mind made up to appease you?

If you feel physical sensations of anxiety, tension, fear, anger, etc., you are talking to the ego.

The ego creates its identity around pain, this is the language the ego understands. He wants to continue to identify with that negativity, for he has an identity.

If you feel physical sensations of lightness, love, energy, happiness, etc., you are talking to the Higher Self. There is no identity in the Higher Self. It is just energy, with no beginning and no end. The natural state of the Higher Self is free, loving and joyful.

The Higher Self can change reality immediately because it is free from many of the blocks that are held in the middle and lower aspects of the Self. Sometimes the Higher Self thinks it is creating what you want.

For example, someone is overweight. Being overweight, this person doesn't have to worry about getting involved in a relationship, consequently, they feel safe and warm the way they are. Obviously, there are a number of clinical reasons for being overweight, but you'd be surprised how often the Higher Self creates something because that's what it thinks you want.

In ThetaHealing®, there is an exercise that is modeled to teach practitioners how to speak to their Higher Selves through the energy of the Creator of All That Is.

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And once you align with your Higher Self, you are always empowered. Your life purpose becomes clear, you are on the right path, and your life begins to embrace a flow of grace and ease.

Your life will take on a whole new meaning and possibly a whole new direction as your Higher Self points you to what is right for you.

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