How to connect to Power Animal?

"That animal is my spirit animal." This is a common phrase, which you may even have heard around, including in memes. But what does it mean to have a spirit animal or, in the correct term, a power animal? How does it relate to your personality or can it change your life?

Find answers to some of these questions in this article, but don't forget to consult a master shaman to understand what your power animal is, how it influences you, and how you can please it. Understand and add more and more connection to nature to your daily life by connecting to your power animal.

Before explaining what a power animal is, however, we need to explain what shamanism is, the set of beliefs from which power animals come.

What is shamanism?

Unlike organized religions such as Christianity and Hinduism, shamanism is more of a philosophy of life than a religion. Shamanism is any set of beliefs that puts man in touch with the flows of nature and with his own interior.

The practices of current shamanism are based on the customs of peoples such as Native Americans or the original peoples of the land who inhabited Russia in ancient times and who still live in some inhospitable regions of Russian territory.

How to connect to Power Animal?
Garon Picelli / Pexels

The main concepts of shamanism include connection and harmony between who we are and nature, healing and preventing diseases and disorders in a natural way, cleansing physical and spiritual bodies, harmonizing environments and spiritual awareness of the individual and how he relates to the nature.

One of the most well-known aspects of shamanism is the power animal, but what is it?

What is a power animal?

According to shamanism, we all have three power totems, each representing one of the kingdoms of nature, according to this belief: stone, plant and animal. According to this philosophy of life, these totems clarify and direct our thoughts and feelings, warning us about changes that must be made or letting us know that we are on the right path.

The power animal, therefore, is nothing more than an archetype of your personality, but it is more spiritual than rational and psychological: it is like a symbol of the energies that can be found within us and that will guide our lives and our decisions.

Why should you discover your power animal?

Discovering and connecting to the power animal, according to shamanism, makes people improve their personal power, their psychic powers and their self-confidence. It is a great help in the journeys of awakening and self-knowledge, deepening spiritual knowledge about yourself and helping to be more aware of yourself.

It is important to emphasize that the power animal is not always related to affinities with the personality of the person it represents, because the most common thing is that it brings teachings and lessons that need to be absorbed so that the person develops qualities, works on their self-knowledge and avoids mistakes and unpleasant situations that lead to bad decisions and events.

How do I find my power animal?

There is no online test, for example, that can be taken to determine what your power animal is. It is essential to consult a shaman master, who will facilitate the person's encounter with their animal totem and, consequently, with their power animal.

Without being guided by a shaman, it is common for people to succumb to the mistake of choosing an animal, even if unconsciously, by associating themselves with a species with which they feel affinity or have admiration, instead of the one that really represents who they are internally. .

How to connect to Power Animal?
Kelvin Valerio / Pexels

Do not believe in internet tests or start working on your power animal without first having received guidance from a master shaman, as this may cause you to start working on a power animal that is not your real one, delaying your process. of self-knowledge, of spirituality and giving a feeling of frustration and disillusionment.

It is also essential to say that there are no β€œbetter” or β€œworse” animals than the others, because each one of them brings a deep meaning about us. There is, therefore, no greater or lesser importance between having a sperm whale or a butterfly as a power animal. Forget comparisons and focus on your power animal.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

This process is very individual and, little by little, you will understand how you can communicate with your power animal and get used to its presence. In the first contact, it is very important that you are assisted by a shaman master, so do not try to make this first connection on your own, alone and at home. From this first contact promoted by the shaman, you will receive instructions on how to stay connected to your power animal, how to know what displeases him and how to absorb the teachings he has to pass.

A simple way to connect with your power animal is to meditate. The possibilities are endless and you can try several of them to understand the one that most resonates with you and that enhances you the most spiritually.

A good example is closing your eyes, controlling your breathing, and going into meditation. Once you are relaxed, imagine yourself in a forest or biome inhabited by your power animal. Understand the scenario and try to find him, but approach him with delicacy and respect so as not to scare him. When you spot him, smile and try to stay calm, because then he will welcome you.

How to connect to Power Animal?
S Migaj / Unsplash

Another good example of meditation is to imagine yourself being the animal, like being an eagle and flying in the skies, feeling all the sensations related to that flight or diving like a century-old whale and feeling the water running through your body... if it were your power animal it will certainly strengthen your connection with it.

In addition to the tips mentioned here, ask your shaman master for guidance, because he will certainly have great advice to give you that will solidify your relationship and your connection with your power animal.

How not to drive away your power animal?

Despite being a spirit creature, the power animal behaves like a wild animal in nature, that is, it has emotions and feelings like any being, so it is scared, withdraws or feels hostility if it is present.

At times, for example, when you are feeling very stressed, worried or anxious, you may not be able to connect with your power animal, as it senses this negative energy and withdraws, avoiding contact.

  • Shamanism, Mediumship and Spiritism
  • Dig deeper into what power animals represent
  • Be enchanted by the symbolism of the peacock
  • Be patient in your self-discovery process

Do not turn to your power animal, therefore, in moments of distress and suffering, but try to connect with it when you are feeling full, at peace and calm, because it is in these moments that it will show itself completely, to establish connections. between you.

Now that you understand what a power animal is and understand more or less what it can do for you, look for a master shaman to identify which one is yours and understand how you can connect with it. Remember to treat him with kindness and also remember that this is a spiritual event, so focus on developing spirit, not logic.

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