The last will be the first

In 1040 BC was born in Bethlehem (region of Judea) David, the eighth and last son of Jesse. He would later be anointed as the second king of the Hebrews, within the unification of the 12 tribes (the sons of Jacob). He didn't stay long in Bethlehem, his family lived far from the city, he was a shepherd until a day came when his life would change completely.

During his youth, the king of Israel was Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin, he had been anointed by God, by the prophet Samuel, however the ego had turned him away from the words of God. Only the people accompanied Saul, while Samuel was already looking for the new king of the Hebrews. The Creator commanded him to go to Jesse's house. The prophet came to his house and asked him to summon his children to meet them. The patriarch introduced his descendants to the prophet, he analyzed each one in detail, however he did not find the future king.

Not satisfied, Samuel asks Jesse if all his children are present. The patriarch replies that the youngest, who takes care of sheep, David, was missing and sent for him. David was the only one of his sons who was not in the military, he was thin, humble, devoted to God, he had immeasurable faith. This reflected in the security of his attitudes, because he knew that a divine force accompanied him. David lived in anonymity in the physical world, but from the perspective of God. He was pure, genuine. The Creator chose him, since He does not see as man sees, man sees the outside, but He sees the heart.

The last will be the first
Priscilla Du Preez / Pexels

Samuel makes David king of Israel. In time it will become a fact. At the moment of the anointing, the Holy Spirit takes hold of David and remains in him until the end. As the years go by, David, a harp player, approaches Saul's Kingdom in order to calm him down, as he was obsessed. With his faith, David defeats lions, bears... In the famous battle with Goliath, he wins with a sling and sinks the Philistines in shame, because their gladiator was defeated. With the proximity of Saul, he soon enters the military career, becoming a warrior and strategist. With his natural rise, he was extremely persecuted by Saul. Envy had contaminated the king, yet David never felt hatred towards him, negative feelings did not contaminate him, on the contrary, he had compassion, he was ready!

After some time, he becomes king of the Hebrews, it was he who transferred the capital from Hebron to Jerusalem, at the Lord's request, since he always listened first to Him and then spoke/asked, in a different way than many do. He sinned a few times, as a human being, he paid dearly for it, but his forgiveness was always sincere! In a slip, by wanting a married woman, Bathsheba, and by sending her husband to war, Uriah, who ended up dead, married her and they had a son, but he was stillborn. There was His answer. Once their karma was healed, they had the future king: Solomon.

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David, the eighth son, who became king. The number 8 means renewal, when changing from one week to another, it becomes the first day, among other things, as 7 is a remarkable number, but also of ending. In the β€œBible”, this number symbolizes the resurrection, starting a new life. David waited, he was patient, because he had a very strong, true belief, and he was worthy.

People anointed with the Spirit are people who serve and do not enjoy, and David thus fulfilled his mission, unlike many. He sinned, suffered, repented, as we are always going through trials. Jesus said, "The first trials come with something simple and then come the more complex". Don't think you've done a lot, keep walking in the same way, don't think that He doesn't look at you, if he hasn't done it yet, it's because something beautiful is about to happen.

Have faith! We are all His children.

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