How to be present with body and soul at the end of the year parties

Delicious food, well-crafted gifts, decorated houses. This is what many holiday environments look like. Behind this apparent perfection are the hours of work in the kitchen, the crowding of clothing and toy stores and the relentless search for a decoration that represents the spirit of festivity.

Among all the tasks for the celebrations to be impeccable, the essence of the parties ends up lost. Stress, nervousness and the tension of a deadline fill days that should be of peace, union and love with negative energies.

In an attempt to rescue the true value of these holiday traditions, there are a few simple strategies. What makes the festivities shallow is the need for everything to be perfect and go as planned. Appearances trump each person's emotions and introspection.

How to be present with body and soul at the end of the year parties

Thus, the ideal to overcome this problem is to value simplicity and build a support network. Everyone wants to enjoy well-prepared and tasty meals. It is not necessary to stop doing this, just as it is not recommended not to decorate the house or not buy gifts.

The idea is that these questions about the parties are not the main parts of the celebration. If several people help when preparing a dish and when it is necessary to clean the house, the feeling of togetherness will flow from that moment.

How to be present with body and soul at the end of the year parties

Beautiful and fun memories can arise from organizing the parties, not just from the parties themselves. In addition, it is important to take a moment in the second semester, away from the holiday dates, to buy the gifts in several installments and without having to deal with the full stores.

Planning, organization and teamwork are essential before celebrating Christmas and New Years. Only then will it be possible for all people to recognize that these parties are happening to celebrate love and peace, not just to eat, evaluate a beautiful room or receive many gifts.

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A good tip for those who want to improve this period of the year even more is to organize some dynamics in which people can say how they feel about others, what they want for the next year and what they think about everything they have experienced. This is the best way to build true and lasting bonds.

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