How to be more objective in your presentation

Neuroscience studies point out that we have around 60.000 thoughts every day. It's no use wanting to express them all, because there will be no listener who can stand it. And in a presentation, so, whether in college or at work, talking too much can get you into trouble.

One of the important requirements to make yourself heard by colleagues, teachers, collaborators, is not to build a speech that speaks and says very little. You must remember that people's ability to concentrate is very small, so you need to get the message across while they are attentive.

How to be more objective in your presentation

A language scholar named Grice described the ideal communication process so that the transmitted message is understood by the interlocutor in the best possible way. These are principles that explain excellent communication, among them, three must be followed by you to be more objective. Are they:

1st Principle: thinking about the purpose of your presentation, say only what is necessary to meet the objectives of what you want to communicate, don't give too much or too little information. For example, if you're going to illustrate your presentation with a narrative, discard details that aren't important. Get straight to the point you want to get to, say the message you want to get across, and don't give irrelevant details.

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2st Principle: if you are one of those who find it easy to expand your speech, pay attention once again to the objective of what you are communicating and keep the theme of your speech; don't say anything unrelated to the topic. Be aware of what you say, don't let your mouth command you!

How to be more objective in your presentation

3st Principle: pay attention to the sequence of your speech, in order to build a logical, coherent reasoning. Watch the order of the information so you don't build a speech that comes and goes in ideas and ends up leaving the listener confused. Speech, like writing, is a text (only oral) and, therefore, must have a beginning, a middle and an end, it must have a gradual argumentation.

In order to comply with these three principles, it is necessary to be aware of what you are saying, why you are saying that in particular, where you want to go with the comment, that is, to know what is effectively important to say and what effect you want to have on your public.

In general, the maxim that says: โ€œless is moreโ€ prevails. If you can get the message you want in as few words as possible and in such a way that your audience understands, you've made an amazing presentation.

Control your mouth and much success in your exhibition!

Master Oratory. Practice! Communicate!

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