How to acquire a new habit — in 8 simple steps

Tired of setting goals and not achieving any?

The secret is to divide your goal and increase small steps little by little. In other words, once you manage to develop a new habit — one that is related to your goal — you will be able to achieve success little by little in your day to day life.

Focus on that habit

It's important to make time for him every day. That way, your willpower will be directed to a single goal, which will increase your chances of success.

Commit for 30 days

The time of dedication varies from case to case and according to the habit in question. You will notice that some habits are easy to develop, others not so much…

Relate the new habit to an old one

Take advantage of a custom to optimize your time. For example, you can park your car as far away from work as possible so you can get at least 10 minutes of exercise a day.

How to acquire a new habit — in 8 simple steps

go crawling

Create “micro-commitments” where failure is impossible. It's more important to be concise and practice every day than to overwork yourself and try to make up for everything in a single day.

Have a plan “b” for obstacles

Anticipate and prepare for possible difficulties. So you won't be surprised by them. To prevent yourself, bet on the “what if…” strategy. But remember not to use this as a reason for fear or impediment, just use it as a form of prevention.

Be responsible for your habit

Take your efforts and make public statements about your new habit. You tend to be more true to your goals when you are being watched by others.

earn a reward

Create a rewards system so you can celebrate the success of each step. The reward is on you, but the important thing is to celebrate those small—big—moments along the way.

Create a new identity

It's easier to make a habit when you make it part of your identity and use that "small victory" to demonstrate who you are inside. Assume your new identity.

Follow these tips: divide your goal and don't be in a hurry; as ironic as it may seem, habits are acquired over time, the same process that happens with the achievement of our goals!

Written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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