Depression and suicide: diseases of the soul

    Depression, known in antiquity as "melancholia", is currently a worrying factor for suicide prevention. The Yellow September campaign has been instituted by the WHO since 2003, lighting the “red light” every year for efforts to clarify the seriousness of these cases. The statistics are alarming: every 40 seconds a human being commits this folly and 800.000 people kill their lives in the world every year.

    According to some data from the WHO (2017), depression affects about 350 million people, approximately 4,60% of the world population, which gives rise to the preventive measures that are promoted.

    We need to understand that the suicidal person does not want to die. He delusionally wishes to free himself from his problems...

    Life, being seen only in the material realm, inhibits the awakening to the full awareness of the true existence that transcends the physical body by its spiritual essence. 

    The Spiritist Doctrine clarifies well-founded the immortality of the Spirit. We are hostages to the archetype of past lives and the imperfections we still carry are the causes of the harmful effects that affect us.

    Until we look at the roots of our "Eu", we will not succeed in this incessant search for the real meaning of life. The biggest fight we fight is with our “unknown inside”. In question 944 of "The Spirits' Book", it says:

    “Does man have the right to dispose of his own life?” – â€śNo, only God has that right. Voluntary suicide is a transgression of that law!” 

    In the book “Victory Over Depression”, by EspĂ­rito Joanna de Ă‚ngelis, psychographics by Divaldo Pereira Franco, we have: “(…) We can assert that, in most depressive disorders, the causes are of a spiritual nature.”. 

    Depression and suicide: diseases of the soul
    Sydney Sims / Unsplash

    We also have in the book “The Whole Man”, by the same Spirit and author, in Chapter 9, Hatred and Suicide:

    “(…) Hate is the favorite child of savagery… When it cannot unleash its uncontrolled energies against the opponent, it turns against itself articulating mechanisms of self-destruction, thanks to which it takes revenge on the society that prevails in it.”. 

    The insane mind provides a dense and negative vibratory field, giving rise to obsessive processes and conditioning us to illness. Finally, in the sick spirit is found the genesis of bodily diseases that are consequences of the maladies of the soul. 

    There are numerous treatments for depression, including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), by American psychoanalyst Aaron Temkin Beck. However, if we don't approach these diseases by conceiving the man in a holistic way, treating essentially the soul, we will never have the desired success. 

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    Today's medicine already has an understanding of this scope, and when this trend becomes broader, the results will certainly be much more promising. According to Dr. Edwin Shneidman, American psychoanalyst:

    “Suicide needs to be discussed. In silence, it grows.” (The purity of thoughts ennobles attitudes). 

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