How the New Germanic Medicine Healing Process Works

How the New Germanic Medicine Healing Process Works

Currently, there are several types of proven studies that explain certain diseases. Also, you must have heard about some kind of alternative medicine different from what we are used to. Commonly, these researches are based on psychosomatic diseases, which are nothing more than emotional disorders that end up affecting the functioning of our organism.

The purpose of some alternative medicines is to prove that the mind has great power over our body and that the cause of various diseases can be explained through it. This is the case of the New German Medicine, which is mainly based on the concept that some physical illnesses are natural responses of the body, which tries to fight against emotional conflicts. Keep reading and understand more about this medicine!

What is the New Germanic Medicine?

The New German Medicine (NMG) is based on the medical studies and research of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German physician who discovered that some diseases had the emotional part as their origin, which was contrary to conventional medicine, which states that some diseases are caused by genetic problems or by some evil present in the human body. After beating cancer, which, according to Dr. Hamer, was caused by the shock felt after the death of his son, the famous doctor began his investigations on the subject and arrived at great discoveries. His scientific research began in 1970.

Thus, NMG was born, which consists, in essence, of the idea that diseases are originated from emotions that trigger diseases. Dr. Hamer studied for years the histories of cancer patients and, consequently, concluded and proved that the trauma generated by sudden shocks has a direct and indirect link with cancer. From this, the treatment of this cancer is done both in the body and in the mind, focusing on the organism and the emotions that stimulated the onset of the disease.


It is important to remember that the New German Medicine is considered a pseudoscience, that is, a technique that claims to be functional, but that has no proven effectiveness by scientific methods, so it cannot replace traditional medical treatment, one that has proven its effectiveness. If you are interested in trying Germanic New Medicine, ask your doctor beforehand so he can give you permission and answer if it will hinder or help your conventional treatment. Don't be fooled by processes that promise healing without proof that they actually work!

Hamer's 5 Biological Laws

The solid foundations of Hamer's research and the New German Medicine are named 5 biological laws that have a completely scientific nature. For you to understand them, briefly know Hamer's laws:

1. Iron law of cancer

This law states that the brain sends certain signals to the organ that best suits the reactions that an emotional trauma can provide. Basically, there is a direct link between the brain and the affected organ. This law also determines that emotional perception is simultaneous to the part of the brain and a certain organ. From a trauma, the organ responds biologically to the reactions felt.

2. Law of the two phases of all diseases

Law based on the development of two phases of illness, the first being normotonia, which consists of the biological interruption caused by the principle of conflict, and sympathicotonia, which defines the moment when the biological conflict is activated, until it is resolved; and the second, which is the so-called post-conflict or healing phase.

3. Law of the ontogenetic system of all diseases

This law determines the relationship of the body's natural response systems to the embryonic initiation of all the tissues involved. Any physiological change that the organism will face requires the initiation of embryos that are linked to the specific part of the brain that sent the signals that triggered such dysfunction or disease. From this, the symptoms reported by the patient are able to identify which tissue may be (or is) involved.

4. Law of the ontogenetic system of microorganisms

According to this law, the action of microbes is based on brain control, with specific activities related to organs, a statement that goes against the idea that the action of microorganisms is independent.

5. Law of quintessence

According to the fifth law, everything that occurs in nature is coherent and logical, just as diseases are part of a process that aims to protect life. The “quintessence” consists of transcending, expressing human evolution and perfecting its sense of survival.

Courses and books on Germanic Medicine

As Germanic Medicine has been increasingly discussed in España, there are some books and courses that are available to the public, so that it is possible to understand a little more about the precepts and thoughts of this pseudoscience. Check out some options below:

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- German Medicine Course, Ebramec – Duration of 9 months, workload of 180 hours.

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- New German Medicine Workshop, Core Courses – Introduction to the 5 Biological Laws – 4-hour lecture to quickly introduce people to the general analysis of the 5 Biological Laws and, therefore, provide a grounded knowledge on their application.

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- Digital book “New Germanic Medicine”

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- Book "The Genesis of Cancer" (“The Genesis of Cancer”, in free translation), Ryke Geerd Hamer, 1991, ASAC France.

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- Book "Summary of New Medicine", 1994 (Summary of New German Medicine), Ryke Geerd Hamer, Amici Di Dirk Spain.

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The New German Medicine has already caused many controversies around the world for not having proven scientific effectiveness, but even so, it is responsible for important treatments for those who suffer from diseases both physically and psychologically, in addition to presenting cure options and explanations for autoimmune diseases. Be aware, however, because when you experience any physical symptoms, immediately seek a specialist doctor. Alternative medicines are used responsibly, always after a first consultation with a healthcare professional.

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