How some foods can help control emotions

Anxiety, insomnia, bad mood, stress, anguish, among other sensations, may be related to the lack, or excess, of some neurotransmitter substance, which helps in the displacement of nerve impulses between one neuron and another, sending information to the limbic system, the main responsible. by our emotions and feelings.

Some foods contain vitamins and nutrients that work in the formation of these substances, such as serotonin, responsible for bad mood and anxiety. It is possible, through a regulated diet, to adjust the levels of emotions in your body, contributing to your well-being and harmony.

When we are anxious, nervous, it is a lack of serotonin, this substance is very present in sweets, so it is common to feel like eating some sweets when we are like that, but we can also find them in bananas and honey, which have nutrients that help our body in the production of serotonin.

Dopamine and noradrenaline are also responsible for changes in our mood and, to improve their levels in our body, we must eat foods rich in Omega 3, such as some species of fish: salmon, tuna and sardines and, also, it can be found in walnuts and chestnuts.

How some foods can help control emotions
Valeria Boltneva / Pexels

Avocado is a great ally in the fight against insomnia, despite being a fruit that has fat, it has vitamin B3 that balances hormones that regulate brain chemicals responsible for sleep and also folic acid that works as if it were an enzyme, feeding the neurotransmitters that make you sleep.

Green tea fights stress and fatigue, as it neutralizes oxidant substances present in the body, which in excess end up disorganizing the proper functioning of the body.

Anguish and fear can be related to the lack of calcium and magnesium, which act in the balance of sensations. In addition to foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, beans, green vegetables, which are rich in calcium and magnesium, lentils are also a great tranquilizer, as they are a precursor to gaba, a neurotransmitter that also interferes with feelings.

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Some women when they are PMS turn to chocolate or carbohydrates probably to increase the levels of tryptophan and serotonin and consequently improve their mood. In this case, prefer the consumption of whole carbs such as rice, bread, pasta, oatmeal, etc.

It is always good to know and understand the functioning of all the nutrients present in the foods we consume in order to balance their effects on our body, according to our needs.

Food has many functions in addition to nourishing and hydrating us, they actively collaborate for the functioning of our body, knowing how to use them in our favor is essential for general well-being. 

  • Text written by Carolina Peixoto from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
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