How positivity phrases change your energy

Quantum physics is responsible for the study of what happens to atomic and subatomic particles. In other words: it studies particles that are equal to or smaller than the known atoms; that is, electrons, protons, photons, molecules, among others.

Quantum physics is responsible for the study that goes beyond classical physics, dedicating itself to these microparticles, since they do not participate in the common laws of physics that we know. Among these laws of classical physics are gravity, action and reaction, inertia, etc., so this new field of study was created.

Known as a known science that does not work through intuition - as is the case with classical physics - it is known as a false theory. For active quantums, therefore, many things are true, even if they don't appear to be, because they just are and they can prove it.

How positivity phrases change your energy

The history of quantum physics

This story began with the discovery of cathode rays in 1838 by Michael Faraday. Then, the term “black body” was introduced by Gustav Kirchhoff, between 1859 and 1860. In 1900, Max Planck introduced the quantum hypothesis.

Max Planck, who is considered the great father of quantum physics, stated that energy was always released in a discrete and not continuous way. According to him, the release occurs through “mini-packages”, in which the energy is proportional to the radioactive frequency. Planck named these mini-packages quanta, which comes from the Latin quantum. The scientist managed to mathematically prove his hypothesis, giving rise to quantum physics.

How positivity phrases change your energy

Quantum physics and spirituality: how can we use it to our advantage?

With each passing day, more and more studies claim that quantum physics is part of our daily lives and that it is very close to us. Because we are beings made of matter, but mainly of energy, we are obviously influenced by this energy that we contain.

Furthermore, not only us, but the entire universe is made up of energy, which makes it vibrate in many ways. This ends up taking us further, there in spirituality. After all, if, like the universe, we have energy and it is capable of vibrating in different ways, we also have this ability.

For this reason, we have the freedom to work with our energy fields. We can modify it so that it works in our favor and, consequently, in favor of the universe. If quantum physics tells us that we can change our energy and thereby change our outside world, then we can create the reality we want.

How positivity phrases change your energy

Well, let's go! Everything depends on three factors: thoughts, feelings and attitudes. As we are beings made of energy, everything that works in our body also has energy, so thinking, feeling and attitudes are energies.

In this way, if we change our thought pattern, feel as we think and act as we feel, then everything can change! It's a small cycle, so we need to think about what we want, feel that desire correctly, and act on what we're feeling. This is one of the great secrets of quantum physics to modify our reality.

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But of course you must be asking yourself: "How do you feel in the right way?". Well, if you really want to have 50 thousand reais in your account but you feel like you can't do it, it's no use acting as if that money was already on its way with your attitudes.

Feeling is the determining energy to attract what we desire. Even if thought and action are necessary, the feeling is what determines, for it is the feeling that acts as the main messenger of desire.

How positivity phrases change your energy

tips for you

Quantum physics has many pillars, so every day a new discovery is made. So, if you want to learn more and more about this subject and how it can work in a beneficial way in your life, we decided to indicate some materials for you.

Currently, the market is full of quantum coaching, but among them some stand out. They have amazing and inspiring stories and a vast amount of free materials to help you change the vibe and make your dreams come true. See some of them:

How positivity phrases change your energy

Channels on YouTube:

Elainne Goldsmith – Find her on YouTube. You will be able to follow many videos, live streams, trainings, books on the subject, etc.

Beth Russo – Like Elainne, Beth Russo talks a lot about quantum physics and also includes some other vibration modification methods.

How positivity phrases change your energy


You are the universe: Create your quantum reality and transform your life – Deepak Chopra and Menos Kafatos;

The quantum mystery – Andrés Cassinello;

Millionaire DNA – Elainne Ourives;

The Quantum Healing – Deepak Chopra.

Finally, we hope it has awakened in you the desire to learn even more about this subject that has changed many stories. By understanding that we are made of energy and how it can work in our favor, you will become true quantum physics in person. Believe it or not: once we understand the powers it shows us, everything becomes simpler and easier.

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