Christmas gift

    At the end of the year, we start to see the Christmas decorations and get nostalgic for the end of the year. Think about gifts and travel. Spend a little more, spend more time thinking about gifts and holiday parties.

    And, at the end of the year, there's always that matter of commit to a promise, or set some goals for the year ahead. Most people commit to a specific diet, going to the gym more, going to bed earlier, looking after their health, working harder, starting a course, etc.

    All that we've read in magazines a thousand times, we're tired of doing and we know it won't work. And, let's be honest: every year that passes, we don't deliver what we promised (several times by the middle of the year I had even forgotten what I had asked for).

    Christmas gift

    Everything has ideology behind it, but this one goes a lot towards the agenda of “I'm not satisfied with who I am or was this year, so next year I'm going to do this to feel good about myself”. And that involves all marketing around the body or even the personality of each one. Always dissatisfied, wanting to change. In other words, we ended the year dissatisfied, promising that the next one will be fine.

    just to start, this is not a place where we are vibrating in order to attract happiness and well-being. Leaving the place of being bad, which has to do with the edibles industry and the unhappiness with who you are, and which makes billions a year on top of your dissatisfaction. Is it real or has it been learned? Is your real nature no longer satisfied with who you are now? Of course yes!

    Christmas gift

    Well then, how about promising yourself to finish this year and start the next one with the following premise: I love myself the way I am. I'm perfect as I am. I will learn to love myself and accept myself for who I am and about my emotions. I will learn about my fears of failure and I will learn that I am loved all the time. That love is behind everything and I don't need to do anything to prove to anyone that I need to be loved. I am already loved and I trust that.

    Happy New Year!!

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