How not to give up until you succeed: Life lessons from sports

It is very common to feel the urge to give up something before it is fully realized. In fact, there is nothing easier than, after facing some difficulties, reaching a critical point and ending up giving up on a dream or goal.

This is because our brains are wired for short-term rewards. We were born and evolved to seek instant gratification because, in ancient times, getting immediate benefits was essential for survival.

We are very present-oriented, so when we don't get what we want right away, we get anxious and feel like giving up.

Despite this, the idea of ​​instant success is always a myth. All successful people have failed hundreds of times and science has already proven that fighting instant gratification is essential to develop.

When it comes to overcoming examples, there are no better stories than those found in sport, and here we are going to show you two incredible examples of athletes who overcame adversity and can serve as an inspiration for those who are thinking about giving up and need a good example to keep going. developing.

Derek Redmond and the most exciting semifinal of the Olympics

The sporting career of Derek Redmond is one of the most inspiring and is a true life lesson for anyone.

In 1985, Redmond broke the British record for the 400m race. A year later, he was already seen as a rising star, having won the 4×400m relay gold medal at both the European Championships and the Commonwealth Games.

Over the next seven years, he continued to accumulate outstanding achievements and went on to be considered one of the favorites to win gold at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.

Derek got good placements during the competition, and when it came time for the Games semifinal race, the athlete was confident at the starting line.

Despite this, everything comes at a price and his career had already been cut short several times because of injuries.

Redmond had had eight surgeries, but his mental strength and perseverance got him back on track each time and in Barcelona he was at his peak.

When the race started, Redmond ran hard, focused on getting the gold. Then, unexpectedly, his body failed and the athlete tore his hip tendon.

He fell to the ground in agony, but after a moment of despair, something unbelievable happened. As he had promised his father that he would finish the race, Derek got up and continued running on one leg.

The stadium's 65 fans were moved by the situation and began to cheer and encourage him. That's when Redmond's father got on the track and helped his son finish the race in one of the most memorable moments in the history of the Olympics.

Two years after that injury, the athlete retired from racing, but Redmond continues to inspire people around the world to this day. He is an acclaimed motivational speaker and uses his sports experience to encourage others to achieve the greatness he has attained.

How not to give up until you succeed: Life lessons from sports

Ramón Colillas is determined to compete

The professional poker competitor Ramon Colillas is another one that can be mentioned as a great example of someone who didn't give up after encountering a series of difficulties.

Ramón Colillas played soccer while studying physical education at university of vic, in Barcelona. His career looked promising and the athlete even competed in some of the youth teams.

His dream of becoming a professional footballer was interrupted for the first time when he tore a knee ligament, but Colillas did not give up and after undergoing several surgeries and completing rehabilitation, he managed to start at Manresa.

Everything seemed to be resolved and his future with the round ball would be bright, but the athlete ended up tearing the ligament twice more and had to abandon the sport for good.

Colillas became a personal trainer and opened a successful gym.

This step could have been the end point of his trajectory, but the athlete's future in sports was far from over.

Often after football matches, Ramón and his teammates would get together to play poker rounds. The athlete used to win most of the matches and it was there that he saw the possibility of continuing his competitive career in sports.

Managing the academy allowed little downtime, but Colillas made a point of setting aside at least an hour a day to study the sport of cards and compete over the internet.

Ramón soon went on to win victories at local and regional championships, and in recent months, his poker career has reached new heights as the athlete became the grand champion of the prestigious PokerStars Players Championship (PSPC).

His trajectory is not over yet and thanks to his perseverance, Ramón's future holds many achievements.

Stories to keep in memory

The stories of Derek Redmond and Ramón Colillas are examples of overcoming that show that in the end everything will work out. They serve as icons that it is possible to resist even in the face of the worst adversity and find success.

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